The snow is white. La nieve es blanca. The snow is white, and the sky is bright blue. It's a beautiful winter day. La nieve es blanca, y el cielo está azul brillante. Es un hermoso día de invierno. More examples Machine Translators ...
1. (Physical Geography) precipitation from clouds in the form of flakes of ice crystals formed in the upper atmosphere. 2. (Physical Geography) a layer of snowflakes on the ground 3. (Physical Geography) a fall of such precipitation 4. anything resembling snow in whiteness, softness, etc ...
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 snow (snəu)noun frozen water vapour that falls to the ground in soft white flakes.We woke up to...
these wars theses something in y theses theshepherdandthesea theshepherdessandthec thesideoftheseed thesis dissertation thespa kusatsu thespanishwhellorlpoo thessalonian thestaroftheshow theta leonis thetallysheet thetonightshowwithjay thettea hainanensis theunbearablelightnes thevanished theviscusofstorin...
the snow drifted ever the snowman the snowy night the soaked-typ the social atom the social reasons fo the social situation the society of laparo the sociolinguistic a the sociopath next do the software product the soil the solar salt the soldier song the sole american in the solitude of ...
3 a : to yield to or as if to physical stress The roof gave way under heavy snow. b : to yield to entreaty or insistence After several hours of debate, the opposition finally gave way. 4 : to yield place Farmland has given way to shopping malls. 5 : to begin to row Synonyms...
Responsible NLP NLP and ML Interpretability, Ethics, Bias, and Equality in NLP, Adversarial Attacks for NLP NLP Frameworks General Purpose, Data Augmentation, Machine Translation, Adversarial Attacks, Dialog Systems & Speech, Entity and String Matching, Non-English Frameworks, Text Annotation Learning ...
the Spanish translation of the Encyclopedia Super Mario Bros., containingthe story of Super Mario Bros. 3. The sentenceSin embargo, esta vez cuenta con la ayuda de los siete Koopalings, que hacen maldades por todas partes. roughly meansNonetheless, this time [he] has the help of the seven...
WHAT DOES 白雪皑皑 MEAN IN CHINESE? Definition of 白雪皑皑 in the Chinese dictionary Snowy: white look, used to describe frost and snow. White snow silver dazzling. Click to see the original definition of «白雪皑皑» in the Chinese dictionary. ...
Real Madrid were crowned as the Champions of the Spanish Liga Santander title on Sunday night. LA Disneyland turns away hundreds of visitors after hitting capacity Disneyland hit its capacity and closed its gates to hundreds of visitors this weekend, for the second time in five months. Pilot ...