1.The slave trade linked three continents in three journeys, so it is called triangular trade. ( ) 2.The slave traders were helped by African leaders, so it was easy for slave traders to get slaves in Africa. ( ) 3.Most slaves end up working in mines. ( ) ...
1.Theslavetradelinkedthreecontinentsin threejourneys,soitiscalledtriangulartrade. () 2.TheslavetraderswerehelpedbyAfrican leaders,soitwaseasyforslavetraderstoget slavesinAfrica.() 3.Mostslavesendupworkinginmines. () 4.On20November,PresidentLincolntravelled toGettysburgtogiveas p e ec h . 5.“Governmen...
Right under them can be found books on the slave trade, the plantation system and the growth of the southern states. The left side of the shelf contains hundreds of books concerning subjects of the Westward Movement, Indian culture, the cowboys contributions to American society and the Gold ...
Triangular Trade and the Middle Passage Big Ideas of the Lesson Using multiple sources can help us better understand the terrible conditions of the Middle Passage and slavery Enslaved Africans were forced into ships and across the Middle Passage to the Americas. The Middle Passage was part of the...
African slaves The voyage that brought captured Africans to the Americas (route 2 on Triangular trade) Why: Brutal voyage- 20% perished during it; those that survived were sold into slavery in the Americas Consequences of the Slave Trade African societies: devastating!! lost generations of the ...
Abriefhistoryoftheslavetrade.moderncarnivals carnivalwastakenoverbytheslaves carnivalsoftheEuropeansandtheslavesHowtounderstandthemeaningofcarnivaltoday?Beforethebeginningofthe19thcentury Detailed-readingparas.1-2 the_a_rr_iv_a_l_of Europeans Reasons the_o_p_e_n_in_g_ofhuge farmsandplantations Millions...
start slave trade kill 90% of the natives 1).lead Europe to dominate the world through colonization and the expansion of kingdoms into empires 2).open a new chapter of the Age of Exploration and allow for an international exchange of ideas and cultures. ...
Was Columbus a hero?rob gold and other resources build colonies start slave trade lead Europe to dominate the world through colonization and the expansion of kingdoms int 23、o empires open a new chapter of the Age of Exploration and allow for an international exchange of ideas and cultures....
板块 课时跟踪检测 识理应识理应识理应 记解用记解用记解用...掌拓落掌拓落掌拓落握展实握展实握展实 返回 返回 返回 Ⅰ.True(T)orFalse(F).1.Theslavetradelastedmorethantwohundred years.()2.Walkingroundavillagewearingmasksandsinging wasaBritishtradition.()3.Musicalbandswerecreatedforcarnivalbefore...