原文与直译THE SIXTH EXTINCTION第六次大灭绝Extinctions, where entire species are wiped out, are not unusual in our Earth's history.物种灭绝,即某个物种的完全消失,在地球的历史上并不罕见。In fact, over 90 percent of all species that ever lived are now extinct.事实上,超过90%曾经存在过的物种现在...
THE SIXTH EXTINCTION第六次灭绝Extinctions, where entire species are wiped out, are not在地球历史上,整个物种被一扫而光的大unusual in our Earth's history. In fact,over 90 percent of all species灭绝并不罕见。事实上,超过90%的曾经生that ever lived are now extinct. In the last 500 million ...
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至于全球范围内的灭绝事件,据著名古生物学家、《第六次灭绝》(The Sixth Extinction)一书的作者理查德·利基博士介绍,每年 … www.weather.com.cn|基于6个网页 3. 第六次物种大灭绝 ...渐熟悉并承认这种预测的可能性:地球正面临有史以来「第六次物种大灭绝(The Sixth Extinction)」,全世界目前约有3万4… ...
Lesson 1 The Sixth Extinction 第一课 第六次灭绝 Extinctions, where entire species are wiped out, are not unusual in our Earth’s history. In fact, over 90 percent of all species that ever lived are now extinct. In...
≡、原文与直译THE SIXTH EXTINCTION第六次大灭绝Extinctions, where entire species are wiped out, are not unusual in our Earth's history.物种灭绝,即某个物种的完全消失,在地球的历史上并不罕见。In fact, over 90 percent of all species that ever lived are now extinct.事实上,超过90%曾经存在过的物...
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THE SIXTH EXTINCTION Extinctions, where entire species① are wiped out, are not unusual③ in our Earth's history. In fact,over 90 percent of all species that ever lived are now extinct. In the last 500 million years, there have been five times when life on Earth has almost ended. These...
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通过这一描写,大堡礁成为地球整体的象征(即以部分代表整体),同时也象征着人类行为对地球美丽与复杂性的破坏。 【参考资料】Elizabeth Kolbert(伊丽莎白·科尔伯特)《The Sixth Extinction》《第六次灭绝》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———