应该是苹果服务器的原因。首先打开手机桌面的设置选项,进入设置页面之后点击自己的apple id,这时在点击退出登录,然后再重新登录自己的apple id即可。
Therefore, the site is unreachable from the local site. The queue is resubmitted. The list of Hub Transport servers in the remote Active Directory site changes. Changes are automatically detected and used during the message delivery phase. All Hub Transport servers in the remote Active Directory ...
I have completely uninstalled iTunes, then shut down and restarted my computer, then reinstalled iTunes (the latest version) and attempt everything again and the iPhone is still unrecognized by the computer or visa versa and it still always keeps showing the insert the cable into the computer ...
调用 LocalizedError::GetAppErrorStrings,返回的是“The app is currently unreachable”。
Copying and transferring files between computer and mobile phones can be easy when having a USB cable. Still, when you connect your iPhone or Android phone to computer then copy a file or folder, a prompt window showing "The device is unreachable" may occur occasionally. In fact, the situati...
Centos SSH连接出现“The host IP is unreachable"或"Connection failed”的错误提示的解决办法。 出现这个提示的原因是无法链接到SSH服务(默认端口22),在排除本地网络故障的前提下,可以通过以下办法排查。 首先我们要检查一下主机的网络是否正常,最简单的办法就是PING(没有禁止PING的前提下),或验证WEB端口FTP端口服务...
When scanning a SharePoint site with azure proxy enabled for 2fa, discover scans may fail if the site is unreachable from the Network Discover server. The following error may be seen in the FileReader logs:Unknown error. Verify if all the services on the server are up and running. Also...
您可以尝试先通过“管理终端”连接,如果能成功登录到系统,再看实例的安全组是否允许外网访问tcp 22的...
关于SSH工具提示连不上linux虚拟机,提示“The host xxxx is unreachable”解决方法,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
System errors, such as ERROR_DEVICE_UNREACHABLE, can affect almost any PC. This error usually appears when trying totransfer files from smartphone to your PC. You can easily recognize this error by itsThe device is unreachableerror message, and today we’re going to show you how to fix it...