The Sister Mercy is a ghost ship found sailing just north of Scalawag Point in Howling Fjord. The crew was killed about a month prior to the adventurers' arrival, most likely by Sorlof, who is now holding treasure taken from the pirates. Cursed by
Nel 1986 Patricia Morrison fu contattata da Andrew Eldritch per unirsi ai suoi The Sisters of Mercy. 1986 wurde Morrison von Andrew Eldritch kontaktiert, der sie für die The Sisters of Mercy gewinnen wollte. WikiMatrix Nel 1993, The Sisters of Mercy ha lanciato "Under The Gun", un ...
It's likely that many of these famous male actors will long be remembered as the best actors of all time. For many of these famous male film stars, being part of Hollywood’s elite is nothing new. The likes of George Clooney, Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins, Al Pacino, and ...
No spoilers for the story, but we do discuss how he builds characters, the optimal length of a novel, how writing a novel under contract is different from having years to write one without a publisher, and why Jason has access to the Galactic Cold War wiki. ...
Moreover how does one reconcile bands such as Siouxie and the Banshees, The Cure or The Sisters of Mercy who insisted, despite appearances, that they were not goths, or account for the work of illustrator Edward Gorey (perhaps the purist goth of all) whose Victorian cautionary tales he has...
When a Viking found the sisters and attempted to attack Esther, Dahlia telekinetically shoved him away from her, which led the Vikings to take both girls prisoner rather than killing them like the rest of the villagers. The girls were taken to a nearby hovel, where Dahlia agreed to do the...
From Destinypedia, the Destiny wikiThis article is about the main character of the Destiny series. For the faction, see Guardian. The Guardian Biographical information Other name(s): Hivebane Crota's End Godslayer Kingslayer The Slayer of Oryx Iron Lord Young Wolf Captain[1] ...
From Destinypedia, the Destiny wikiMara Sov Destiny 2 Destiny Biographical information Other name(s): The Awoken QueenReef QueenQueen of the ReefThe QueenMarakelSovereign of the AwokenThe Clever OneVIP#0704RegaDeception QueenWolf Kell Homeworld: Distributary (rebirth) Earth Species: Human ...
From Destinypedia, the Destiny wikiZavala Biographical information Other name(s): Vanguard TacticalBig BlueVuvuzela (Asher Mir)[1]Cue Ball (Drifter)Zavalakel Homeworld: Earth Species: Human Race: Awoken Gender: Male Hair color: none Eye color: Sky blue Political and military informa...
Dive into the captivating world of pop punk, a genre that resonates with countless music fans worldwide. It's a vibrant fusion of the rebellious streak of punk rock with the melodic hooks and lyrical nuances of pop music. More than a few incredibly talented bands have moved into this intri...