A witty, modern adaptation of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, this film revolves around two sisters with completely opposite personalities. When the younger sister isn't allowed to date unless her strong-willed sibling does, a potential suitor hatches a plan to find someone tough...
Despite initial controversy, the movie has become a classic within the genre, as it marries a tense plot with sultry allure. Released: 1992 Directed by: Paul Verhoeven Also ranks #2 on Great Movies About Secret Love Affairs Also ranks #3 on Movies You Watched Behind Your Parents' Backs As...
Sofia Coppola made her directorial debut with this adaptation of Jeffrey Eugenides’s beloved novel about a group of sisters who captivated the entire neighborhood in which they lived. Kirsten Dunst anchors a dreamy, captivating movie about the myth of perfection that exists in the world of picket...
Watch on Netflix When their mother gets thrown in jail, teen sisters Deidra (Ashleigh Murray) and Leina (Rachel Crow) are at risk of being thrown into foster care. To avoid such a fate, Deidra hatches a plan to begin robbing trains to build up enough of a nest egg to bail their moth...
主演:송서율/정넘쳐/주연서/김도진/류일송 导演:Han Dong-ho 年份:2015 地区:韩国 类型:情色 时长:97分钟 上映:2015-04-30(韩国) 语言:韩语 更新:2024-12-03 15:55 豆瓣:4.0 简介:The love and conflict between two sisters for a man. ...
6 Sukeban.deka.the.Movie.2.Counter.Attack.from.the.Kazama.Sisters HD 中日双字幕1080P是飞女刑事剧场版2 スケバン刑事 风间三姐妹的反击 HD 1080p 中字 太妹刑事 浅香唯 大西结花 中村由真 京本政树 劇場版的第6集视频,该合集共计10集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解
In number two – reportedly the best-lit of the four – she can be seen full-frontal from the side; in number... See full article at Obsessed with Film 9/12/2013 by Shaun Munro Obsessed with FilmSimilar News Scarlett Johansson Bad Sisters Season 2 Finale Recap: Did the Garveys Get ...
1942 1 hr 50 mins Drama Watchlist Where to Watch Fiona, Evelyn, and Susanna are sisters. After their mother dies on the Lusitania and their father is killed in France, they must manage their Fifth Avenue mansion by themselves. Fiona marries Charles Barclay in order to get an inheritance, an...
The Last Movie Stars Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind The Big Brunch Santa Camp Max List: HBO movies 12 Strong 12 Years A Slave The 15:17 To Paris 2:22 2 Days In New York 2 Fast 2 Furious 2 Guns 20 Feet From Stardom 21 and Over ...
The wonderful Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland play a married couple living in Venice after the accidental death of their young daughter, and who encounter two elderly sisters bringing a warning from beyond. Roeg’s subtle film plays with time and reality through innovative editing and montage,...