The Sinking City is an adventure and investigation game set in an open world inspired by the universe of H.P. Lovecraft, the master of Horror. The half-submerged city of Oakmont is gripped by supernatural forces. You’re a private investigator, and you have to uncover the truth of what ...
《沉没之城 The Sinking City》名侦探老戴 35:58 《刺客信条 起源》老戴全国首发试玩【下集】 26:38 《迸发 2》未来版机械黑魂,魂系玩家不容错过《The Surge 2》 40:25 《刺客信条 起源》老戴全国首发试玩【上集】 36:00 《仁王 2 最终测试版》上手难度最高的动作游戏 ...
1 player Remote Play supported PS4 Version DUALSHOCK 4 vibration Extreme Violence Ratings The Sinking City - Investigator Pack (English/Chinese/Korean Ver.) Global player ratings 4.42Average rating 4.42 stars out of 5 stars from 153 ratings ...
The Sinking City 2is a terrifying Lovecraftian journey, powered by Unreal Engine 5. Experience a heart-pounding survival horror as you explore the flooded city of Arkham and fight eldritch monsters beyond human comprehension. Immerse yourself in a distinct atmosphere of cosmic horror and twisted desi...
The Sinking City Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. The Sinking City is an adventure and investigation game.CRACKED - FREE DOWNLOAD
The Sinking City Free Download - Full PC Game - DRM-Free GOG Games Title: The Sinking City Genre: Action - Adventure - Detective-mystery Works on: Windows
《The Sinking City》是款調查類型的冒險遊戲,背景設定靈感來自於恐怖大師 H.P.洛夫克拉夫特(H.P. Lovecraft)撰寫的虛構小說。一半淹沒在水下的橡蒙特城(Oakmont)早已遭到超自然生物全面控制。 身為私家偵探的您,將揭露籠罩整座城的黑暗勢力,找出侵蝕居民心智的真相。 以H.P.洛夫克拉夫特的虛構小說為靈感,營造...
The Sinking City Watchlist 2.6Unknown 9: Awakening Watchlist 6.9A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead Watchlist 8.3Alan Wake II: Night Springs Watchlist Ballad of Antara Watchlist Wuchang: Fallen Feathers Watchlist 7.0Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game Watchlist Mafia: The Old Country ...
The Sinking City 沉没之城 制作:Frogwares 发行:BigBen Interactive 时间:2019.06 评价:尚可/76 不知怎么的就突然刮起了克苏鲁的风潮,以此为故事背景的游戏是一个接着一个,只是这些作品大多都质量堪忧,并没有很好的起到对“克苏鲁”的宣传功效,而本游戏“沉没之城”则是这股风潮下的又一个产物,不幸的是它并不...
两个字概括:不好玩。不论是作为一个克味粉丝向情怀作,还是作为一款侦探游戏,本作都难称适格。 0.是受谁启发呢? 1.缺乏逻辑的推理:某A与某B有矛盾,某C欠某A钱,某B被杀了,因此直接断定凶手就是A,并且藏匿在C的酒馆里。拜托了大哥,20世纪20年代也不能这么制造冤假错案吧?但游戏框架里,这是我唯一的认知...