Jan Němeček, Petr Pokorný, Ondřej Lhotský, Vladislav Knytl, ... Tomáš Cajthaml Pages 822-834 select article A new test for plant bioaccessibility in sulphidic wastes and soils: A case study from the Wheal Maid historic tailings repository in Cornwall, UK ...
Knytl M, Smolík O, Kubicková S, Tlapáková T, Evans BJ, Krylov V (2017) Chromosome divergence during evolution of the tetraploid clawed frogs, Xenopus mellotropicalis and Xenopus epitropicalis as revealed by Zoo-FISH. PLoS ONE 12(5):e0177087 PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Krylov ...
Full size image In addition to their large sizes, amphibian genomes have also been challenging to assemble due to their extensive repeat content (up to 82% [19]). Amphibian transposable elements have expanded and become highly abundant in younger clades, posing challenges for the construction of ...
2015; Knytl et al. 2017; Targueta et al. 2018), and none focused on sex chromosomes. Here, we obtained a high-quality chromosome probe from the Y chromosome of Engystomops freibergi, which enabled valuable comparisons. This probe painted the Y chromosome of E. freibergi (Acre) and ...
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Amphibian defence against predators and microorganisms is directly related to cutaneous glands that produce a huge number of different toxins. These glands are distributed throughout the body but can form accumulations in specific regions. When grouped i
Ethylene is the simplest of the olefin gasses and was the first known gaseous biological signaling molecule. It is synthesized by plants during certain sta
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Learn to download The Sims 4 and watch your Sims thrive The Sims 4 is the fourth installment of the Sims series. The Sims is a simulation game that lets you create families and control your Sims' lives. Purchasing and installing the Sims 4...