Calicundia is a custom hood that I play onmy twitch channel. My twitch community and I have slowly built it up with sims made using what we refer to as the “half-baked” method. This is where you use the “Pooklet method” for making sims but only use the first half of the proce...
Product:The Sims 4 Platform:PC Which language are you playing the game in?Español How often does the bug occur?Often (50% - 99%) What is your current game version number? What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed?Get To Work, Get Together, ...
Download here: App Store Best iPhone apps: Photography and Camera Halide Mark II (Image credit: Apple) Some folks overestimate the usefulness of third-party pro-style camera apps for iPhone. They talk as if the JPEGs an iPhone spits out are the equivalent of a toddler’s crayon rendition ...
Have you ever seen a toddler with a box of crayons? It’s fascinating to watch them pour their creativity out. But let’s be honest, no matter how hard they try, the child's not going to turn into Picasso – even if they believe they are! 🙂 ...
You are free to use whichever CC Tool you feel most comfortable working with and your Creations will always remain free to download for everyone at all times. What about TSR Workshop? TSR Workshop for Sims 4 will soon be released to the public and allow for the creation of Clothing and...