Sims with the Genius Trait get a Focused Moodlet at random. It is fairly easy to get Very Focused while at home because of the easy Aura options, but harder on the go:Browse Simipedia (Computer) +1 Play Chess, also Ponder Moves on Chess Table +1 Use the Observatory +1 Study Fossils...
The Sims 4's Tech Guru Career compliments two of the game's skills perfectly - bothVideo GamingandProgramming- by providing items that give off aFocusedAura, which is also the Ideal Mood for both Careers. Here's a Guide to the Rewards and bonuses you'll get for promotions, along with ...
Nurul Rafeequa SimsJanuary 10, 2015 The view is so nice, the weather is so god damn hot, and you have to order food to seat :p (and its not really delicious -_-) UpvoteDownvote Emily An XinMarch 27, 2016 A very beautiful view, cozy and romantic place to visit... Upvote1Down...
Andy claims to have been born and raised in Simsbury, Connecticut.[5] His birth name was Walter Bernard Jr., but after his younger brother was born, his parents decided that the new baby better embodied that name and should be named after his father instead. Thus, the original Walter ...
Simpedia: The Sims You are here HomePlease note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry...
Secret Agent Career The Sims 4 Secret Agent Career is one of ten careers available in the game. It has elements of the old Law Enforcement career from previous titles, but with it’s own spin. The first thing to note is that the preferred mood for this entire career is Focused. The ba...
By now you have probably experienced the wide range of emotions that your Sims can fall into in the Sims 4, but if you are looking to improve your gameplay a little, be it just having your Sim families run smoother or if you are doing a challenge of some sort and want to do better...
By Luke Sims - April 30, 2023 It gets old, you know. MY LATEST VIDEOS How quickly narratives change. The Minnesota Wild were up 2-1 after Game 3 of their series with the Dallas Stars. They came back for Game 4 on home ice, in front of the best fans in the league, with all...
(Wikiepedia) The ownership by Boomtown was under the control of one Frank Capri. (see below). The story is too complex to convey here, but you might check out the links above and it can be summarized by stating that after his death and a series of closures and scads of lawsuits,...
8 141 "The Impossible Stream" One of the shows on TV is The Sims' Sons. 144 "Parasites Regained" Nibbler is seen chewing on a Bart Simpson doll. 9 158 "Cuteness Overload" Bart appears as a hologram in a demonstration on how Fuzzy Funbag aliens are cute, where he is mentioned as...