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I just uninstalled sims 2 and now I'm trying to download the "stirring the pot" mod by QMBiBi, other files are downloading normally but this mod downloads as... - 9243673
Rahmatullah, BahbibiWorld Scientific Publishing CompanyInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial IntelligenceYas QM, Zadain AA, Zaidan BB, Lakulu MB, Rahmatullah B. Towards on develop a framework for the evaluation and benchmarking of skin detectors based on artificial intelligent ...
For decades, aging has been the single best predictor of human mortality in developed countries [1]. It is the major risk factor for several of the top causes of death, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer [2,3,4]. Organismal aging also greatly enhances the susceptibility to chronic di...
(hbme)r)peaplualmbasimsqemumainambomlreiasemnmpebrbersrareeanndnte)oe;rx(erded)sdoycoxsextnsezsymyysmstetceemomQmccopomomnppeononntesen;ntst;s;(c(c))aanntitoioxxididaanntt (c) antioxidpraenvetnrtoprleorerolmseleesoasfboiocflioftcyecotnoreazennnyzsizmytiymoemnepQ...
Report of the key comparison APMP.QM-K19. APMP comparison on pH measurement of borate bufferdoi:10.1088/0026-1394/52/1A/08003Akiharu HiokiToshiaki AsakaiIgor MaksimovBibinur Zhanasbayeva
Shah Ahmad Shahrizal, Amirul ZulaidilRahmatullah, BahbibiAb Majid, Mad HelmiSamuri, Suzani MohamadHidayanto, Achmad NizarYas, Qahtan M.Purnama, SigitASEAN Journal of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Iqbal, Atifur Rehman, HamidAhmad, IbrarBibi, SaudaSafdar, HasinaAli, LiaqatHameed, Qazi MohammadJournal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad - Pakistan
Bahbibi RahmatullahWorld Scientific Publishing CompanyInternational journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligenceYas QM, Zadain AA, Zaidan BB, Lakulu MB, Rahmatullah B. Towards on develop a framework for the evaluation and benchmarking of skin detectors based on artificial intelligent ...
Rahmatullah, BahbibiUniv Pendidikan Sultan IdrisInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial IntelligenceYas QM, Zadain AA, Zaidan BB, Lakulu MB, Rahmatullah B. Towards on develop a framework for the evaluation and benchmarking of skin detectors based on artificial intelligent models ...