模拟人生4秘籍(The4CheatsofSIMS) 1,moneymodification Don'tusemotherlode.It'stootired Directsims.modify_funds5000000 500Wdirectlyinplace 2,charactermodification Starttestingcheatstruefirst Thencas.fulleditmode Thenshitfclickthecharactersdirectlyintothemodified ...
《模拟人生4》最强作弊码秘籍一览(The most powerful cheat code of SIMS 4).doc,《模拟人生4》最强作弊码秘籍一览(The most powerful cheat code of SIMS 4) In the game, press Shift + Ctrl + C to call out the input field Official basic secret TestingCheats tr
《模拟人生 4》最强作弊码秘籍一览(The most powerful cheat code of SIMS 4) 《模拟人生 4》最强作弊码秘籍一览(The most powerful cheat code of SIMS 4) In the game, press Shift + Ctrl + C to call out the input field Official basic secret TestingCheats true Enable cheat mode/disable cheat mo...
The Ultimate Cheat Guide for the Sims 4 with over 100 different cheats all on your iOS Device! - Over 11 pages and 100+ cheats for you to select from and instru…
- Have every cheat you need on your iOS Device for convenient access right when you need them! Use this app to truly enhance your gaming experience and get the most out of The Sims 4! * This app is designed for all iOS devices but the cheat codes are for The Sims 4 for PC/Mac. ...
The Burglar is an iconic Sim featured inThe Sims,The Sims 2, andThe Sims 3who sneaks into houses, usually at night when Sims are asleep, to steal household items. As a longtime Sims player, I have wanted to bring the Burglar toThe Sims 4.You could say I’ve beenstealing momentsto pi...
Use these controls to create your Sims, build their homes, live in their worlds, and apply cheat codes. Cheat codes PressL1 + L2 + R1 + R2all at the same time to open the cheat codes console. Enter the cheat you want to use and pressO(the circle button). ...
How to reset stuck or unresponsive Sims in The Sims 4. How to open the cheat window You may want or need to reset your Sims if they become stuck or unresponsive. There are two ways you can reset your Sim. To start, open the cheat window by pressingCTRL + Shift + C. Hold all thes...
Sims may not use the move objects cheat. You may not download or import any Sims from the Gallery or place any Sims into the neighborhood (other than your founder at the start of the challenge). You must use the money cheat to remove any money brought in by a spouse moving in (if ...
The Legacy Legacy Handicap added to points. Want your Legacy family to have its own Legacy college? Choose either Britechester or Foxbury as your family’s Legacy college when you make your founder. This can be the only college that your Sims can attend throughout the challenge. So plan maj...