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3DM Mod站拥有全网最新最全的模拟人生4 Mod资源,欢迎广大玩家来下载和分享自己喜欢的Mod作品,更多有趣好玩的 模拟人生4Mod,模拟人生4Mod管理,模拟人生4Mod工具,模拟人生4Mod整合,模拟人生4Mod下载 尽在3DM Mod站!
将下载好的【Mods】文件夹放置于以下路径:文档→Electronic Arts→The Sims 4→Mods将下载好的【Tray】文件夹中的0x开头的子文件放入以下路径:文档→Electronic Arts→The Sims 4→Tray启动游戏后,进入【游戏选项】,选择【其他】分类。在这里,您需要勾选【启用自定义内容与模组】以及【已允许脚本模组】这两个选...
1、把选好的mod文件夹放入 你游戏文件所在目录例如我的文档\Electronic Arts\THE SIMS 4\MODS文件夹里...
【M4求助】把在c盘..我手真欠!!我突发奇想把在c盘的The Sims 4文件夹全部移到D盘,打开游戏一片崭新,什么存档 人物 MOD 都没有了,赶忙又移回C盘了,结果打开游戏还是读取不到我的存档和mod。。。我The
补丁下载 (访问密码: 9612)
Sims Pregnancy Test doesn’t always result in negative moodlets unless Sim has the ‘Family Oriented’ trait Sims leave a puddle when their water breaks WooHoo Enhancements Ability to enable pregnancy for all WooHoo interactions (merge Try for Baby interactions with WooHoo interactions) ...
S4MP is a Sims 4 Multiplayer mod that allows you to play with up to 12 friends in real-time multiplayer!S4MP featured on GamesRadarSee the mod in action!Discord | YouTube | Reddit | WebsiteInstallation Guide1️⃣ The host must prepare a Sims 4 household with everyone's sims to play...
Download free full version The Sims 4 for PC, Xbox One, Mac, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 at Sims4game.com. You can get information about ✅The latest sims versions ✅Profesional game review ✅Custom content, cheats, mods.
A mod that is intended to provide various commands to control various aspects about your Sims, their world, and objects in that world through a simple to use menu system. 1.0MB 1.8k 94.3k 12 H.U.E - Handmade Unique Eyes TS4 ...