Sims 4 Wicked Traits Pack The Sims 4 Stand to pee [UPDATED FOR 1.82] The Sims 4 Better Traits Bundle The Sims 4 Hair Salon Mod by KAWAIISTACIE The Sims 4 Sugar Life Mod The Sims 4 Sports Career Kialauna Baby Maker Trait v2 – Revitalized!
將模組資料夾丟入Documents(文件)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods。 模組(4): Reality Show (實境秀模組) By KawaiiStacie Reality Show這套模組必須要有【星夢起飛】這個資料片才能正常運行,因為在進行實境秀之前,我們需找一塊公共用地或住家放置攝影機,而攝影器材運行的程式要購買星夢起飛資料片才會有。
It also changes how Sims act when you’re not controlling them. Idle conversations force Sims to pick an option based on their traits and interests, for example, and they may even pick up new traits and even career proficiency from these chats. 10.The Explore Mod The Explore Mod by Kawai...
Some of my favorites are LittleMsSam and KawaiiStacie. I highly recommenced modding, it makes the game a lot more interesting and personalized. Reply 10 + XP #4 January 2019 Options tazmaster197596 ★ Apprentice Yeah I agree that Sims 4 suck and more people forget that there's ...
Product: The Sims 4Platform:PCWhich language are you playing the game in? EnglishHow often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)What is your current game version number? expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? I have all expansions installed. G...
1.Simscolony Translation Thai Localization of Life Mod!The translation alone without the mod will not work If there's a mod update but I ...
Stand to pee– Male Sims will stand up to pee more often. Talented Kids Sim Mods– Children can do more things like cooking, exercise, play guitar, etc. The Tome of the Fourth Sage (Ultimate Spellbook)– Grants you every Spell and Potion Recipe. ...
KawaiiStacie's Slice of Life Mod deserves more space than I'm able to give it here, but it's a big one. The Slice of Life mod features a personality system that offers a total 16 different personality types, like the thinker or the nurturer, that alter how Sims will behave autonomously...