Поддайтесьчарующемуобаяниюзагороднойжизнивдополнении «The Sims™ 4 Загороднаяжизнь»*, гдевасждутпродуктыссобственногоогорода, домашнийскот...
《The Sims™ 4 成長路上》資料片 (中英文版) 登入以評分 全球玩家的評分 4.32平均評分為4.32顆星(滿分5顆星),共92則評分 92個評分 67% 11% 14% 1% 7% 遊戲和法律資訊 透過《The Sims™ 4 成長路上》資料片*,強化家庭羈絆、結交朋友或樹立敵人,同時發掘模擬市民最真實的自我!您的模擬市民與周圍...
Watch: The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack (Rescheduled) Livestream The Sims 4 next expansion pack, Businesses & Hobbies, has a new, rescheduled livestream since last Friday’s had to be cut short. It starts at 10am PST this Monday, March 3rd, on The Sims YouTube page. #vi...
【M4新闻】2023..各位模拟市民玩家,你们好!继上次更新之后,我们又将为玩家带来全新的更新。本次更新的重点是主机版《The Sims 4》我们精简了部分主要的界面,使手柄操作更加方便。虽然使用键鼠也能在 PlayStat
立即预购《The Sims 4 生与死》资料片,即可在 2024 年 10 月 31 日起在 PC 平台通过 EA app™ 游玩,在 Mac® 平台通过 Origin 游玩,同时登陆Epic Games Store、Steam® 平台、PlayStation®5、PlayStation®4、Xbox Series X|S 和 Xbox One 主机。
此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏 The Sims™ 4 才能畅玩。 购买《The Sims™ 4 骏马牧场》资料片 -50% ¥ 198.00 ¥ 99.00 添加至购物车 关于此内容 在《The Sims™ 4 骏马牧场》资料片中,与动物朋友在属于自己的土地上辛勤劳作、愉快地玩耍。饲养、训练并与骏马建立特别的纽带,它们都是可以自...
Check out the latest news from The Sims! SimsVIP has the latest news, game guides, tutorials, and original content for The Sims Franchise!
A new video premiere slot has appeared on The Sims official YouTube channel, for The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack official livestream. It’ll take place on February 28th, at 10am PST. It’s interesting to notice how the title says the livestram is both for the EP and for...
Which iMac would be sufficient enough to run The Sims 4 on ultra settings? I've been playing the sims 4 on my MacBook Pro 2012 with medium settings, but ever since the Seasons EP I've had to lower my settings just so the game doesn't run like poop. Despite that the game still st...
此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏The Sims™ 4才能畅玩。 购买《The Sims™ 4 乐租生活》资料片 -50% ¥ 198.00 ¥ 99.00 添加至购物车 关于此内容 畅游《The Sims™ 4 乐租生活》资料片,在任意宜居世界里建造出租住宅地段,并选择成为业主或租客。每个地段最多拥有6间房子,每间房子可居住最多8个...