中文名称:模拟人生3 宠物 、玩美宠物 英文名称:The Sims 3 - Pets 日文名称:ザ・シムズ 3 ペット 游戏类型:模拟类 开发厂商:The Sims Studio 发行厂商:Electronic Arts 对应主机:PS3 语言版本:美版 发售日期:2011年10月18日 在本作中,玩家首次可以直接控制自己的宠物,去发现和解决城镇中的各种谜题,体验“...
You can download expansion packs for The Sims 3 that breathe new life into it, such as new characters, destinations, jobs, objects, etc. Go check out our reviews of some of the best Sims expansion packs, including: - The Sims 3: World Adventures- The Sims 3: Pets- The Sims 3: Ambit...
3DS《模拟人生3-宠物 Sims 3 – Pets, The》美版3ds下载。在《模拟人生3宠物》中,玩家首次可以直接控制自己的宠物,去发现和解决城镇中的各种谜题,体验“身为”一个宠物的生活。 游戏特色 更多宠物带来更多趣味!创造各式各样独一无二的猫猫狗狗,以及首次登场的宠物马!你的模拟市民是否有本事驯服一头野生马?控制你...
模拟人生3宠物中文版(The Sims 3 Pets)是一款模拟人生游戏系列的宠物主题,喜欢萌宠的小伙伴们可以下载试玩,逼真的3d画质加上好玩的场景设定,你在游戏中就是优秀的铲屎官,感兴趣就快来IT猫扑下载吧。 模拟人生3宠物镜像版游戏信息 游戏名称:模拟人生3:宠物 ...
3. The Sims 3: Ambitions 4. The Sims 3: Fast Lane Stuff 5. The Sims 3: Late Night 6. The Sims 3: Outdoor Living Stuff 7. The Sims 3: Generations 8. The Sims 3: Town Life Stuff 9. The Sims 3: Pets 10. The Sims 3: Master Suite Stuff 11. The Sims 3: Showtime 12. The...
The Sims 3: Outdoor Living Stuff The Sims 3: Generations The Sims 3: Town Life Stuff The Sims 3: Pets The Sims 3: Master Suite The Sims 3: Showtime The Sims 3: Katy Perry's Sweet Treats Stuff The Sims 3: Diesel Stuff The Sims 3: Supernatural The Sims 3: Seasons The Sims 3: ...
Goat Simulator Free Play No Download Rfitieng Rfi Tieng Viet Com No household is complete without a pet. So The Sims FreePlay doesn’t stay behind in this category. There is a massive load of cute and magical pets in The Sims FreePlay. There is no Sims household where there isn’t a ...
My Pets I love having a bunch of Toddlers in my Household but i also love having a bunch of Pets as well. Unfortunaley i had more & more Issues with the Household Size limit of 8 Sims/Pets. Even with MCC 8+ enabled i had saving Issues etc. So i made this “Tool” a while ago...
【飞翔导读】模拟人生3:宠物(The Sims 3:Pets)即将上市,目前模拟人生3宠物限定版已经出来了,不过不是破解,目前正在破解中稍后会立即发布给大的 模拟人生3 专题 游戏名称:模拟人生3:宠物 英文名称:The Sims 3: Pets 游戏类型:模拟经营类(SIM)游戏 游戏制作:The Sims Studio 游戏发行:Electronic Arts 游戏平台:...
Life is better with Pets Bring excitement and surprise into your Sims' lives with pets! Create the perfect (or imperfect) pets for your Sims, from fierce guard dogs to destructive kittens to trusty horses and more as you determine not only how your Sims' pets look but their personality trai...