Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS)-based analysis and imaging of polyethylene microplastics formation during sea surf simulation H. Jungnickel, R. Pund, J. Tentschert, P. Reichardt, ... A. Luch Pages 261-266
Schmid M, Haaf T, Geile B, Sims S (1983) Chromosome banding in Amphibia. VIII. An unusual XY/XX-sex chromosome system in Gastrotheca riobambae (Anura, Hylidae). Chromosoma 88:69–82 CAS PubMed Google Scholar Schmid M, Ohta S, Steinlein C, Guttenbach M (1993) Chromosome banding in...
Schmid M, Haaf T, Geile B, Sims S (1983) Chromosome banding in Amphibia. VIII. An unusual XY/XX-sex chromosome system in Gastrotheca riobambae (Anura, Hylidae). Chromosoma 88:69–82 CAS PubMed Google Scholar Schmid M, Ohta S, Steinlein C, Guttenbach M (1993) Chromosome banding in...
marking the first genome assembly for Class Amphibia [1]. This species serves as a crucial laboratory model organism for cell biology, molecular genetics, and developmental biology [2]. The first amphibian genome assembly came years after the completion of the first genomes for other vertebrate gro...
0.0028 *TrPeavtamlueentansudcecsetsims abtaesdedsuocnceDsasyra2t8esanadreDbaayse1d80onlabmaecnke-tsrsansscfoorremsewdams eaalsnoeasstismesastesd fbroumt ntohtesstatatitsistitcicaalllyaannaalylysziesd. . At Day 28, 67.4% T(6re0a/8tm9)enOtSsPuHcOceSsstrebaatseeddhoonrsDesayw2e8reacnodns...
Amphibian defence against predators and microorganisms is directly related to cutaneous glands that produce a huge number of different toxins. These glands are distributed throughout the body but can form accumulations in specific regions. When grouped i
Ethylene is the simplest of the olefin gasses and was the first known gaseous biological signaling molecule. It is synthesized by plants during certain stages of development and in response to abiotic and biotic stresses. Ethylene affects many aspects of plant growth, development as well as response...
coBnotryikbiunteadnarelyasgeednttsh/emdaatetari;aDlsu/kaenaMly.siMs taonoalns;i,DEulkijeahMM. M. Aanteaknai,, EStEelvijeanh MR.. GA.teNkya,aSntjeovme,naRn.dGL. aNuyraanMjom. B, oaynkdin LacuornatrMib.uBteodykrienagwernottse/mthaetepraiaplesr/.analysis tools; Duke M. Manani, E...
Learn to download The Sims 4 and watch your Sims thrive The Sims 4 is the fourth installment of the Sims series. The Sims is a simulation game that lets you create families and control your Sims' lives. Purchasing and installing the Sims 4...