64位系统:Wow6432Node - EA GAMES - The Sims 2 和其中的1.0修改DisplayName项,删掉TM,变成The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection 3楼2017-04-27 02:08 收起回复 游魂的游魂 夜魅一族 3 最后说一下我的系统环境:WIN10专业版 64位,游戏是The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection终极典藏版。另外请问一下有哪位吧友...
The Sims 2is a strategic life simulation PC game developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. It is the sequel to the best-seller computer game,The Sims, which debuted on February 4, 2000.The Sims 2was first released on September 14, 2004 for Microsoft Windows. A port of the Ap...
Ik zag op internet dat er via de EA Play app/ Origin the sims 2 ultimate collection gedownload kan worden. Ik weet dat er 10 jaar geleden een code werd verstuurd en dat iedereen die gratis kon downloaden. Echter wil ik die ook hebben. Is dat nog mogelijk?
RDR2 cheats: Most wantedGTA 5 cheats: Phone it inThe Sims 4 cheats: Life hacksArk cheats: Expedited evolution Minecraft version: 1.21 | Download: ApotheosisApotheosis leans into Minecraft's approach to magic instead of replacing it, by enhancing everything from potions to enchanting. You'll be...
Memory: 512 Mb Hard Drive: 1.5 Gb free Video Memory: 32 Mb Video Card: Hardware T&L capable Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c Keyboard Mouse Download Link file size: 6.64 GiB Ultimate Collection: The Sims 2 Free Download
Just remember – VR is only available on the PC version through Steam, not on consoles. But if you’ve got a VR-ready PC and want some laid-back sliding action, CarX offers a really fun package. We class CarX as the perfect middle ground between arcade racers and serious sims. Once ...
we've mentioned, the game is part of one of the most successful video games for PC that has provided Electronic Arts with plenty of profits. You can download it individually or by getting hold of the so-called Ultimate Collection, the pack that brings together all the games of The Sims....
Jody Macgregor: Immersive sims let you approach problems multiple ways, only one of which turns out fun. Thief is just stealth, so when you have three ways into a rich jerk's mansion they're equally satisfying whether you're waiting for a patrol gap, discovering a secret underground passage...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":7506463,"subject":"the sims 2 ultimate collection","id":"message:7506463","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":4},"Conversation:conversation:7506463":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:7506463","solved":false,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopic...
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