Just like human sims, your pets can also interact with other animals and get friendly with them. In some instances, the friendship between pets can evolve into something more and before you even know it, you already have a bunch of baby animals under your roof. Taking care of so many pet...
2584-模拟人生2宠物 (Sims 2 The-Pets) 多国语言 手机版是一款正宗的SFC移植游戏,完美的还原了SFC上游戏的全部内容。
psp游戏《模拟人生2-宠物当家 Sims 2 - Pets, The》欧版下载,这是一款非常好玩的模拟经营游戏,游戏氛围营造的十分不错,难度方面也很亲民,喜欢这类游戏的小伙伴快来看看。 《模拟人生2-宠物当家 Sims 2 - Pets, The》是由Maxis开发的模拟经营类游戏,特别之处在于,这款游戏是以宠物为主题的。在游戏世界中,玩家...
《模拟人生2-宠物当家 Sims 2 - Pets, The》是由EA Maxis制作并发行的一款模拟生活游戏的资料片,该资料片以宠物为主题。在游戏中,玩家可以拥有不同类型的宠物,如狗、猫、鸟等,并与它们进行各种交互和活动,例如教育宠物、选择宠物的职业等。 具体来说,游戏中的孩子们可以训练鸟类,少年们可以带狗去公园玩耍,成年...
Mac-compatible add-ons for The Sims 2 include University, Nightlife (adding a dating function), Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage (adding vacations to new areas) and a range of Stuff Packs adding objects, NPCs and so forth. Unlike the Windows release, the Mac edition never rec...
05.模拟人生2 : 欢乐家庭 (The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff Pack) 物品包06.模拟人生2 : 魅力生活(The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff Pack) 物品包 *别名:美满生活*07.模拟人生2 : 宠物 (The Sims 2 Pets) 资料片 *别名: 宠物当家*08.模拟人生2 : 欢乐假期 (The Sims 2 Festival Holiday ) 物品包09....
My Pets I love having a bunch of Toddlers in my Household but i also love having a bunch of Pets as well. Unfortunaley i had more & more Issues with the Household Size limit of 8 Sims/Pets. Even with MCC 8+ enabled i had saving Issues etc. So i made this “Tool” a while ago...
The Sims 4 / NSFW / Animations Exclusive SUGAR | Lace Panel Dress NSFW 28 Mar 2024 4 5 396 0 Mesh: all LODs, 100% new, poly 25k Textures: 100% new, HQ enabled NSFW / Clothing / Patreon Exclusives 111.26 MB Anny Sophie NSFW 15 May 2023 2 4 536 0 If your desire for ex...
Classic Sims open-ended gameplay allows you to create Sims that look like you and your friends and control how they spend their lives-their stories are in your hands! Create and unlock new Pets, then show off your cool creations with a code that you give to your friends. ...
All Pets and Toddler can use the Elevator How to build them The Elevator needs to be a bit away from Stairs or else older Sims will be confused and can’t find the Stairs to use. I have 3 Tiles between the Elevator and Stairs which works fine but 1 Tile between them should be enoug...