Memory leak when DCS window minimized to taskbar (both ST and MT) - fixed ME. Refused from “ИПМ”, “КПМ” markings for non-Westerns due to improper assignment. AI Ships. Aircraft with start from the deck of Kuznetsov spawn in the air - fixed Crash on track restart in som...
So i just downloaded the EA-Launcher and upon hitting the "X" in the top right i saw that the launcher did not actually close but minimized itself into my system tray. So i went into my settings and looked for the option to change that setting (which btw. every other launche...
In 2021, season 2 delved even deeper into the shadows as Legoshi subjected his body and mind to rigorous training in order to mold himself into an ideal protector. He is closer than ever to discovering who devoured his friend, but the identity of the culprit isn't as important as the mys...
@PepsyQ Thanks for the info. Your CPU temps look fine in the log, but it doesn't list GPU temps or utilization. By the way, I'd remove the... - 8274334
Spatial omics technologies can reveal the molecular intricacy of the brain. While mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) provides spatial localization of compounds, comprehensive biochemical profiling at a brain-wide scale in three dimensions by MSI with single
2e). Another pyroclastic sample (TCZ-M2) collected below sample TCZ-M1, which should be younger than 151 Ma, yield continuous zircon ages (SIMS) from 166.4 ± 4.7 to 147.1 ± 3.9 Ma (Fig. 2f; Supplementary Tables 2 and 3), indicating abundant inherited zircons. ...
” 410 U.S. 315, 325 (1973) (quotingReynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533, 579 (1964)). In other words, it is not at all true that OPOV claims and partisan-gerrymandering claims are distinguishable on the basis that “it is illegal for a jurisdiction to depart from the one-person, ...
Interview with Stacy Sims PhD CISSN SNI: From the standpoint of rehydration, is there an ideal percentage of carbohydrate that is needed when consuming fluids? Is there a combination of carbohydrates that is ideal? Stacy: In my experience working with athletes, they are so focused on calories...
The cold trap is positioned as close as possible from the MS and the setup was minimized as possible to increase the density of products. At the end of each experiment, few hours of irradiation, the valve towards the cold trap at liquid nitrogen temperature is opened, enabling to accumulate...
Secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) δ18O data show that garnet porphyroblasts within each sample are compositionally homogeneous (Fig. 5c). Garnet from typical EA rocks (sample 155899) has average δ18O values (vs. Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, VSMOW) of 4.2‰; ±0.6‰; (2σ), ...