Burger King had featured characters from The Simpsons in some of their advertisements. Several Burger King advertisements were aired to promote the release of The Simpsons Movie. Prior to the release of The Simpsons Movie, Burger King launched the site "Simpsonize Me" where people can transform...
Bart gets kidnapped by a lonely movie chimpanzee. Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife (2006) As part of a new Fox show, the Simpsons participate in a wife-swap. Million Dollar Abie (2006) After blowing Springfield's chances for an NFL franchise, Grandpa goes to an assisted-suicide center...
50: The Simpsons Movie After Homer accidentally pollutes the town's water supply, Springfield is encased in a gigantic dome by the EPA and the Simpsons family are declared fugitives. Thursday, December 25th, 2008 53: The Simpsons' Christmas Message Marge comments on David and Victoria Beckham'...
[Krusty the Clown is filming a commercial] Director: Action! Krusty the Clown: Hey hey! It's your old pal Krusty for my new pork sandwich, the clogger! If you can find a greasier sandwich, you're in Mexico! [He laughs and then takes a bite of the sandwich] Krusty the Clown: ...
Reilly, a great montage using Spoon’s “I Turn My Camera On,” and a clever nod to The Simpsons Movie. (“No more Simpsons movies! One was plenty.”) “Any Given Sundance” may bear a resemblance to season six’s A Star Is Burns, but it focuses much more on Lisa’s vision and...
InThe Simpsons Movie, moments before his likely death, he admires his comic book collection and sighs with contentment: “Life well spent.” The Lesson:Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. (image source:simpsons.wikia.com) ...
Prior to co-founding Bento Box, Joel was a production executive at Film Roman, where he was Emmy®-nominated as a producer on “The Simpsons” and produced “The Simpsons Movie”. Prior to Film Roman, Joel was a producer at Warner Brothers Animation, Sony Animation and Vice President of...
Before opening Krusty Burger, he promoted Worth-a-try Burger.[30] He was the first character in the series, outside the Simpsons family, to have an episode where he was the main character in "Krusty Gets Busted". He was the former owner of, Krusty's Clown College. Untill Fat tony to...
And where did the inspiration for the horrible Nickelodeon skit/movie Goodburger come from? Whataburger. What is the most frequented real fast food chain on King of the Hill? Whataburger. By the way, here's the trailer in case you missed this gem from the late 90s...
As an experienced studio and touring musician, recording engineer, producer, vocalist, cellist and writer, Aaron Trubic has proudly garnered numerous commercial recording credits for both major and independent labels spanning 18 years as well as tour performances in Europe, Asia and North America and...