辛普森一家(the Simpsons)第一季对白 (4)1 -Aah! 2 Ooh! 3 -Yeah.Oh,yeah? -Lisa]Yeah.Yeah! 4 -Yeah?Oh,yeah? -Yeah. 5 Hey,what'stheproblemhere? 6 Wewerefightingover whichoneofuslovesyoumore. 7 youwere? Aw,well,goahead. 8 -youlovehimmore. -No,youdo. 9 -No,Idon't...
Homer, don't be a sap. 34 Fill out some insurance forms. Charge Dimoxinil to the company. 35 It's $1000. Burns would can my butt. 36 Oh, $1000. So what? 37 So he has one less ivory back scratcher. 38 You pay into the insurance fund. What do you get? 39 Nothing. The news...
Homer's Barbershop Quartet: Directed by Mark Kirkland. With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. After the kids find a record with Homer's picture on it, he recalls the story of how he achieved fame in the 1980s with his barb
《The Simpsons》中英影剧经典对白及语言学习 Part1: 中文版:(都是Homer的) “孩子们,你们尽力了但败得很惨,教训就是:永远不要尝试。” “三句话让你终身受益,第一,适合我;第二,好主意,老板;第三,简直和我在场一样。” “噢,英语!谁需要?我从不去英国。” “噢,爸爸,你做过很多伟大的事情,但是,你...
"The Simpsons" Homer and Her Sisters (TV Episode 2024) - Top questions and answers about "The Simpsons" Homer and Her Sisters (TV Episode 2024)
辛普森一家(the Simpsons)第一季对白 (7)1 Man!Rustyoldhunkofjunk! 2 Howdy,Bart. Hotenoughforya? 3 Shutup,Flanders. 4 Hey,Dad,howcomewecan'tget adecentmower,liketheFlandershave? 5 Justbehappywithwhatyou'vegot,son. Don'ttrytokeepupwiththeFlanders'. 6 -Whoa! 7 Howdoyoulikemynew...
-The Simpsons, sir. -Well, if it isn't the Simps. 26 Oh, the Simpsons, sir. 27 Oh, yes. Homer and Marge Simpson. 28 Oh, and these must be Bart, Lisa and Expecting. 29 The card needs to be updated, sir. 30 That's okay. The baby's name isn't important. Let's go. 31 ...
I asked one guy what his two favorite episodes from each season was (I haven't actually watched the Simpsons) created 2 years ago•30 titles The Simpsons: Season 12 created 5 years ago•21 titles Capítulos created 4 years ago•6107 titles ...
1. 1-1 17 Dec 89 Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire 2. 1-2 14 Jan 90 Bart the Genius 3. 1-3 21 Jan 90 Homer's Odyssey 4. 1-4 28 Jan 90 There's No Disgrace Like Home 5. 1-5 04 Feb 90 Bart the General 6. 1-6 11 Feb 90 Moaning Lisa 7. 1-7 18 Feb 90 The Call ...
7 puttingthemovesonthenewgirl inValveMaintenance. 8 -Doesthisgirllikehim? 9 Ihavetowarnyou,Marge, 10 Ithinkthepooryoungthing hasthehotsforyourstruly. 11 -Homer. 12 Justkeepingyou onyourtoes,babe. 13 Twohundredandthirtyninepounds! Oh,I'mablimp. 14 Whyareallthegoodthings sotasty?