FOX was initially nervous to air The Simpsons; as there hasn't been a cartoon in primetime since The Flintstones, and that they were unsure if they could keep the audience's attention for the duration of the episode. They proposed doing three seven-minute shorts and four specials until the...
"The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular" December 3, 1995 3F31 138 - 10 "Marge Be Not Proud" December 17, 1995 3F07 139 - 11 "Team Homer" January 7, 1996 3F10 140 - 12 "Two Bad Neighbors" January 14, 1996 3F09 141 - 13 "Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield" Fe...
After reading his response card, Mel lands at the Simpsons house and asks him to help make the movie good. They turn the movie into an extremely violent action movie, but the film studio does not like it. They chase Mel and Homer after they steal the reel, but they fail - and the ...
2006: The Best of The Simpsons #26 was released in the UK. 2014: "Steal This Episode" aired for the first time. 2020: "Hail to the Teeth" aired for the first time. 2024: Brian McConnachie; one-time writer, died."Pixelated and Afraid" is the twelfth episode of season 33 of The ...
The Simpsons' fourteenth season was originally broadcast on the Fox network in the United States between November 3, 2002 and May 18, 2003. The show runner for the fourteenth production season was Al Jean, who executive produced 21 of 22 episodes. The other episode, "How I Spent My Strummer...
1989: "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" aired for the first time. "Season 1" started. "The Simpsons" started! 1992: "Homer's Triple Bypass" aired for the first time. 1995: "Marge Be Not Proud" aired for the first time. 2000: "Skinner's Sense of Snow" aired for the first ...
Wikisimpsons is an encyclopedic wiki that is centered around the animated television series The Simpsons and founded on September 24, 2005.
"Simpsons Bible Stories" is the eighteenth episode of season 10 of The Simpsons and the two-hundred and twenty-first episode overall. It is an anthology episode and consists of four parts. It originally aired on April 4, 1999. The episode was written by
The Simpsons: Tapped Out Wiki is a comprehensive database that anyone can edit, with articles about all the characters, buildings, decorations and quests from the mobile game by EA.
This is the fourth level of The Simpsons: Hit and Run. This level has you play as Marge, and has her in Evergreen Terrace at nighttime opposed to Homer's adventure here at daytime, however, Marge is able to explore areas locked off that Homer couldn't visit, such as Mr. Burn's ...