Get ready for a hilarious new episode of “The Simpsons” with Season 35 Episode 17 titled “The Tipping Point,” airing at 8:00 Pm on Sunday, May 12, 2024, on Fox. In this uproarious installment, viewers are in for a wild ride as Homer Simpson finds himself at odds with tipping cu...
The Caper Chase: Directed by Mike B. Anderson, Lance Kramer. With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Mr. Burns opens his own for-profit university, hiring the completely unqualified Homer as a professor, only to lose him to
第18集 大航海时代 辛普森一家 第十七季 The Simpsons Season 17第18集 大航海时代 辛普森一家 第十七季 9.4(1796人评价) >去 辛普森一家 第十七季
辛普森一家 第十七季 The Simpsons Season 17 第11集 园林大甩卖 本集中文名: 园林大甩卖 本集原名: 暂无,欢迎添加 播放时间: 暂无,欢迎添加 剧情简介: 暂无,欢迎添加 推荐 第11集的讨论 · · · · · · 我来说两句 辛普森一家 第十七季 9.4 (1787人评价) 全部 1集 2集 3集 4集...
Season 17 Episode Guide Season 17 22 Episodes 2005 - 2006Season 17 contains a whopping three episodes that feature the Simpsons in a trilogy of fantastic tales. There's "Treehouse of Horror XVI," the annual Halloween spooktacular; "Simpsons Christmas Stories," which presents holiday narratives ...
To celebrate the series’ 600th episode, The Simpsons and Google have come together to create a special Virtual Reality experience. Produced with Google Spotlight Stories, The Simpsons couch gag, “Planet of the Couches,” is available on both Android and iOS. View it with any Google Cardboard...
"The Simpsons" have done it again. The long-running animated comedy series that has a knack for foreshadowing events predicted the explosive outcome of the penultimate episode of "Game of Thrones" — two years ago. During thefifth episode of season 8, in a fit of vengeful rage, Daenerys Ta...
The Simpsons Movie: Directed by David Silverman. With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. After Homer pollutes the town's water supply, Springfield is encased in a gigantic dome by the EPA and the Simpsons are declared fugit
The Simpsons’ second season originally aired between October 11, 1990 and May 9, 1991, and contained 22 episodes, beginning with “Bart Gets an F”. Another episode, “Blood Feud” aired during the summer after the official season finale. The show runners for the second production season wer...
So in honor of 35 years and counting of great Simpsons episodes, here are 100 episodes that paint a picture of all the things the series does best. 100. “A Mid-Childhood Night’s Dream” (Season 35, 2023) Inspired by The Sopranos episode in which Tony gets food poisoning and has a...