3) enlightening meani 现实启迪意义 4) significance and inspiration 意义与启示 例句>> 5) Inspiration and prospect 启迪与展望 6) reference and evocation 借鉴与启迪 例句>> 补充资料:意义 1.谓事物所包含的思想和道理。 2.内容。 3.美名,声誉。 4.作用,价值。
9.The Modernistic Enlightenment of Culture and Erotic Spell Construction of May 4th Literature文化的现代性启蒙与“五四”文学的性爱话语构建 10.The Significance of Enlightenment and the Rationality of Modernity--Foucault s "Attitude towardsModernity";启蒙的意义与现代性的合理性——福柯的“现代性的态度”...
TheSignificanceoftheEnlightenment 2.TheoreticalPreparation•TheEnlightenmentprovidesthetheoreticalandideologicalpreparationforthearrivaloftheFrenchRevolution•TheEncyclopédiehadwidespreadinfluenceasanexpressionofprogressivethoughtandservedasanintellectualprologue序言totheFrenchRevolution3.AShowcaseofDifferentIdeasTheEncyclopédie...
From the Confucius era of the Spring and Autumn period to the present, it is a form of enlightenment education for children to start reading and learning, commonly known as "the Enlightenment". It has great symbolic significance for every ch...
People who find life meaningless are not complaining that they cannot tell what kind of stuff their body is made out of, or that they do not know weather they are in a black hole or under the ocean. 他们所要表达的是,自己的生活缺乏深意(significance)。所谓缺乏深意,就是说缺乏核心、实质、目...
The citizens are not to know their own children, for, if they were to lovethem above others, then the means that brought them into being, the intercourse of this man and this woman, would be judged to be of specialsignificance. Then we would be back to the privatefamily and the kinds...
People who find life meaningless are not complaining that they cannot tell what kind of stuff their body is made out of, or that they do not know weather they are in a black hole or under the ocean. 他们所要表达的是,自己的生活缺乏深意(significance)。所谓缺乏深意,就是说缺乏核心、实质、目...
of festivals.Considered as a result,"in tune with the world" means metaphysical needs are satisfied,and when taken as a prerequisite,"in tune with the world" should rely on totality strength.The enlightenment rationality breaks away from the field of metaphysics due to overemphasis on reflection...
Significance Of 12 Analogies In The Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Analogies《佛说譬喻经》之十二譬喻的意义 8 Dec 2022 Excerpts The Four Noble Truths Are Eternal 四圣谛是永恒的 7 Dec 2022 Features How To Overcome Bullying? 17 Nov 2022 ...
Introduction【问题意识】It set off asBeyond Left and Right, and that is how it was announced. Now it has the proud and controversial titleThe Reinvention of Politics,to which should be added 'after the end of the East-West conflict order'.The title could also have been short and simple:...