页数:296 定价:USD 13.00 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780679758556 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· Colm Tóibín is one of Ireland's most distinguished young writers; he is also a lapsed Catholic. Yet over a succession of Holy Weeks, Toibin found himsel...
The Catholic Sign of the Cross is absolutely ancient, rooted not only in the Old Testament but the New (Apocalypse speaks of those who have the sign of God in their foreheads -- and those who have the sign of the Beast in their foreheads). When Catholics undergo theSacrament of Confirma...
《The Sign of the Cross》的原文摘录按热度排序 按页码排序 这里还是空的 > 我来写笔记 > The Sign of the Cross 作者: Colm Toibin 副标题: Travels in Catholic Europe (Vintage Departures) isbn: 0679758550 书名: The Sign of the Cross 页数: 296 定价: USD 13.00 出版社: Vintage 装帧: ...
The Sign of the Cross is a ritual hand motion made by members of many branches of Christianity. It may be accompanied by the trinitarian formula. For Christians, the motion symbolizes the Cross on Calvary by tracing the shape of the cross in the air or on one's own body. There are ...
sign of the cross n (Roman Catholic Church) chiefly RC Church a gesture in which the right hand is moved from the forehead to the breast and from the left shoulder to the right to describe the form of a cross in order to invoke the grace of Christ Collins English Dictionary – Complet...
As the engine revved, Summers — who was raised Catholic and makes a sign of the cross before performing stunts — heard her father’s voice. Christi Carras, Los Angeles Times, 10 Apr. 2024 No more fleas, either, or comical renderings of the Catholic sign of the cross. Dan Barry, New...
众: 祢藉十字圣架, 救赎了世界。 第九处耶稣第三次跌倒 领:「敌人迫害我的灵魂, 将我的性命压倒在地上, 把我如气绝的人投在幽暗中。」 (咏 一四三:3) 众: (静默片刻)我的耶稣, 因祢的功劳和祢所受的痛苦, 坚强我, 使我制胜我恶劣的 偏情, 不致失落祢的爱与友谊。
Become a Catholic Radio Sponsor The Station of the Cross is making a big difference in people’s lives, and through the help of our sponsors, it will make an even larger impact. Your sponsorship dollars will be used to develop and implement initiatives that will help grow Catholic radio, ...
No Catholic girl would enter a church and forget tomake the sign of the cross. Nicio femeie credincioasă n-ar intra într-o biserică fărăsă se închine. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Blanchard,make the sign of the cross! Blanchard,fă-ţi semnul crucii!
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