The Taming of the Shrew Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Trans. Bernard O'Donoghue The Bronze Bow The Sign of the Beaver Treasure Island The Hiding Place The Hobbit The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Up from Slavery Amos Fortune, Free Man
Ellen Raskin’s The Tattooed Potato and The Westing Game are good fun; so are Peter Dickinson’s The Blue Hawk, Joan Aiken’s Midnight is a Place, Katherine Paterson’s The Master Puppeteer, Elizabeth George Speare’s The Sign of the Beaver, Robin McKinley’s The Blue Sword, and every...
He didn’t obey the sign, nor did he turn right here. Instead, we did a U-turn and headed toward the parking lot. Along the way, however, I wanted to honor one more evergreen because I know several grow here, but don’t often get to see them at other places where we hike. ...
By the Great Horn Spoonby Sid Fleischman Sign of the Beaverby Elizabeth George Speare you may want to discuss some of the negative language in this book; Simon and I used it as a read aloud instead of an independent reader Humor The Peterkin Papersby Lucretia P. Hale The Backward Bird D...
” As Giese notes, the most (and increasingly) visible sign of mental illness today is people lying on the streets of Melbourne, wrapped in blankets, begging for small change. Interestingly, it was the urge to give mentally ill people a shelter – an asylum- from the homelessness and ...
Speare, Elizabeth G.Sign of the Beaver.New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers, 1995. Spinelli, Jerry.Crash.New York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1996. .Maniac Magee.New York: HarperTrophy, 1990. .There's a Girl in My Hammerlock.Old Tappan, NJ: Simon and Schu...
And I feel it there, in the middle of the night When the lights go out and I’m all alone again Folks have been decrying the “American Dream” for well over a half-century, recognizing the toxicity of this falsehood and the danger it creates as the foundational bedrock of a nation’...
The next Reindeer Games will start on November 1, 2025, so look out for my announcement next October if you’d like to take part in the 2025 CAL (orsign up for my monthly newsletternow so I can send you a reminder!) Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 2024 Reindeer Game...
Through the album, then: the brief, brusque title track and its immediate successor (‘To Be Someone’) examine the rock business first in a tart V-sign to some entrepreneurial type who wishes to squeeze the singer dry and then throw him away, and second in a cuttingly ironic track about...
than it had been in the past, it’s a different kind of important. It’s no longer an add-on to feed an ego. It’s no longer a way to demonstrate just how trendy you are. It’s an indispensable facet of business, as critical as a storefront sign or a customer service department...