TheFolded Handsemoji🙏 is often used to represent prayer or someone hoping for good luck. At the same time, this emoji is also often used to mean “Thank you.” Interestingly, it is justone of many emoji that has this grateful double meaning associated with it. Well, we are grateful w...
CommonMark extension adds UTF-8 emoji with Github tag for the `league/commonmark` PHP Markdown parsing engine, based on the CommonMark spec. - ElGigi/CommonMarkEmoji
Can you find the emoji? Emoji Eye Test is a simple, challenging game that where you find the one designated Emoji in a table of Emojis. Take a look at the screen shots...can you find the Emoji?What’s New Version History Version 1.0 This app has been updated by Apple to display...
EmojiAliasesEmojiAliases 😄 smile 😃 smiley 😀 grinning 😊 blush ☺ relaxed 😉 wink 😍 heart_eyes 😘 kissing_heart 😚 kissing_closed_eyes 😗 kissing 😙 kissing_smiling_eyes 😜 stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye 😝 stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes 😛 stuck_out_tongue 😳 flushed ...
Means (aggregated by subject) for the eye movement measures and sentence reading time. Specifically, we analyzed eye movements (a: first fixation;b: single fixation;c: gaze duration;d: total time;e: probability of single fixations;f: probability of skipping) for the emoji as a function of ...
Emoji: 🤪 Name: Zany Face Meaning: This emoji is a step up from the other faces with the tongue sticking out. It features the head to the side and one eye wide open. It’s used to convey goofiness and silliness. It signifies something when something is amusing, like talking about wi...
And of course, if you've got an idea for a new Very Necessary Emoji, feel free to leave it in a review!What’s New Version History Version 1.942 This week try the unhinged face, the pinky promise emoji, the blushing side-eye, and more!
You see, there are a lot of different meanings behind these peepers. Is someone detecting some drama? Is the new superhero movie a real eye-opener? Is someone giving you the ol’ side eye? Whatever the case, it appears our users are giving this emoji a second glance. ...
The emoji has a frown and its eyes look to the right side, half-open. 这个表情有点皱眉,眼睛看向右边,半睁着。 04 Smiling new moon face 新月笑脸 表面意思:这是躲在阴影中的新月状笑脸。 深层意思:鬼鬼祟祟(sneaky)、诡异(creepy)甚至是“鄙视你”。
I was already digging Tragédie D’amour during my first listen thru before hearing “Immortal”, sitting far back at number seven on the track listing when this absolute goth metal diamond shined forth its glorious light and entranced me (picture the heart eyes emoji). I was already in the...