and his panels seem to catch his characters perpetually in the midst of a smear frame that a commercial work might use to liven the pace - but all of life is a smear over here, which Pratap exploits for the purpose of sensuality and estrangement. ...
When I conducted a survey to researchsiblingestrangement for my bookBrothers, Sisters, Strangers, I was surprised to see how many people responded not by participating but by explaining why they felt they couldn’t. Many messaged me privately, saying that they wished they...
Though sister to the two main male characters, Miriam's initial estrangement in Num 12 consolidates the previously fraught relationship of her two brothers with each other. The exclusion of the female sibling thus marks Israelite leadership, and indeed Israelite identity itself, as fundamentally male...
The management of anxiety ‘away’ from one’s body is, therefore, the logic of the relation of ‘estrangement’ we will move into questioning, within a psychoanalytic approach. The drive, the unconscious and the ‘transindividual’ aspects of psychic life and the self are what set ...
and for her imposing size. Regina is surprised to find Ricky on her doorstep after seven years of no contact, with a six-year-old daughter, Jez, in tow. The rest of the novel unravels the reasons for the estrangement, and tracks Regina’s bond with troubled Jez and her efforts to find...
A child born after the death of a sibling may be referred to as a subsequent or “replacement” child. Grieving parents may believe that a new family member will lessen their grief, but this can cause a range of possible repercussions. ...
Chapter8focuses on the piano—a tactile space par excellence—and argues that the connections between memory, touch, and estrangement in the Gothic are made evident through pianism. The awakening and retrieval of memories that piano music facilitates triggers spatial and psychological processes of aud...
The holidays seem to intensify these interactions. Some gatherings are fraught with more tension and conflict than a best-selling mystery novel while others will be happy occasions. There are sibling rivalries, miscommunications and misunderstandings, and estrangements. So much fodder for storytelling....
Like… why don’t any of those people ask me, “Wow, what did she do to make you choose total estrangement as an option to your relationship?” Like the act of pushing a child out of one’s uterus is so damned sacrosanct as to never be trifled with. Nah. I don’t believe that...
“Being ostracized from a band I have built for 20 years because I made a decision to do whatever it took to be a good Human Being hurts me deeply, but trust me when I say I am the most mentally fit I have ever been. This decision was made to protect myself from my own sibling...