The Blacklist is an action/thriller crime-drama TV series on NBC from creator Jon Bokenkamp. The show follows former intelligence officer turned master criminal Raymond Reddington (James Spader) and FBI agent Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone.) Red, one of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives, known as...
Even The Blacklist Creator Admitted One Annoying Habit of James Spader He Obsessively Repeated Throughout the Show 1/10/2025 by Pratik Handore FandomWire “He was going to say something very, very, very serious”: The 1 Advice from James Spader That Made ‘Blacklist’ a Breeze for Megan Bo...
Even The Blacklist Creator Admitted One Annoying Habit of James Spader He Obsessively Repeated Throughout the Show 1/10/2025 by Pratik Handore FandomWire “He was going to say something very, very, very serious”: The 1 Advice from James Spader That Made ‘Blacklist’ a Breeze for Megan Bo...
The Blacklist has successfully reinvented itself countless times during its decade on the air — but the way James Spader sees it, the show ought to pack it in before it becomes unrecognizable. “I think if the show went beyond this year, it would turn into a very different show,” Spade...
About the Show All things come to an end in the action-packed final season of “The Blacklist.” Raymond "Red" Reddington (James Spader) becomes a marked man after being outed by a former Blacklister as an FBI informant, and now enemies past and present are out for blood, determined ...
Reds scenes in the episode we're good. But the blacklister storylines aren't working anymore. I don't know if the writers are keeping red separate from those stories on purpose but it is hurting the show. Red hardley ever gets invovled with the cases anymore so it feels like your watch...
The criminal-teams-with-agent dynamic is nothing new, but it's taking the journey of The Blacklist with Spader and Boone that makes this show so engaging. It only helps that they have a strong supporting cast featuring the likes of Ryan Eggold, Diego Klattenhoff and Harry Lennix. By Terri...
Suspense, drama, action, and great storytelling all combine to describe the hit NBC show The Blacklist. Each character on the series has their own unique backstory which adds a certain dimension to a show that could easily be lost in the trenches with the other prime-time dramas. Each ...
The Blacklist confirms date for final episode The Blacklist future revealed after season 10 The Blacklist season 10 release date, cast, plot The Blacklist season 10 will have throwback twist Two The Blacklist cast members exit the show
The Blacklist Exposed podcast on demand - The Blacklist Exposed, the 2017 Academy of Podcasters Award Winning TV and Film Podcast, looks at the world of Raymond Reddington and all his criminal exploits on Sony Picture Television's hit show, The Blacklist