of the coracoid process of scapula; inserts into the radial tuberosity and antebrachial fascia; innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6, C7); responsible for supinating the forearm and, when in supine position, flexing the forearm; the short head resists dislocation of the shoulder ...
l - superior to teres major, inferior to infraspinatus muscle o - axillary border of scapula i - greater tubercle of the humerus a - adducts and laterally rotates shoulder subscapularis l - anterior surface of the scapula o - subscapular fossa of the scapula ...
Procedures: Shoulder Girdle, Clavicle, AC Joints, Scapula 30個詞語 gungerrrrr預覽 Elbow, wrist, hand, MMT and Goni: module 5 and 6 65個詞語 livsikky預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 1st metatarsal, 2nd metatarsal, 3rd metatarsal, 4th metatarsal, 5th metatarsal 選擇正確的詞...
Action: Flexes elbow; extends shoulder Origin: Right above shoulder then run over the cranial aspect of the thoracic limb. Insertion: Distal to the elbow It will pull the lower limb closer to upper limb will pull in a cranial direction. ...
Coracobrachialis m. Originates from coracoid process of scapula and inserts on medial surface of the middle of the humerus. Flexes and adducts arm (shoulder). Innervation not provided. Brachialis m. Originates from distal half of anterior surface of humerus and inserts on ulnar tuberosity. Flex...
travels up the arm into the shoulder via the: deltopectoral groove what superficial vein travels medially on the arm and dives deep 1/2 way up? basilic v. what two veins join to drain into the subclavian vein? axillary v.cephalic v. from which spinal nerves does the brachial plexus ...
Most fractures and dislocations occur when external force is applied to a joint in its ___ packed position Close Acromioclavicular closed packed position arm abducted to 90 degrees Sternoclavicular closed packed position maximum shoulder elevation Radiohumeral closed packed position Elbow- 90 degrees flex...
What are the similarities in the actions of the flexors of the elbow? biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis in cats All flex the elbow joint (Biceps brachii also extends shoulder joint, brachioradialis supinates antebrachium) What are the similarities in the innervations of the ...
Muscles of the Shoulder + Arm Origin Insertion 60個詞語 SuspectedTuna 預覽 Anatomy and Physiology exam 2 144個詞語 Jordanhegberg5 預覽 Reproductive System 34個詞語 sgarza44 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 plantar flexes the foot and flexes the knee 選擇正確的詞語 1 Tempo...
neutral pelvis, eyes forward, hands and arms even, use team to help! Use sidewalkers to manipulate posture to teach them correct balance. Ears, shoulder, hip, heel. Correct position for balance and control and to be in rhythm and balance with...