plan jump plan line items plan of accounts plan of attack plan of chinese langu plan of optional grou plan of passenger tra plan of the day pod plan sexy surprise plan very carefully plan volume of produc planproject planar cathode planar double-envelop planar stator motor planarair-gapgenerato...
Shooting from the deck by | 14 Sep 2020 | Musing The world continues in its surreal swirl of politics and protests, viruses, and fires. The view from the deck holds sway; the fog, elk hunters, and fishers captivate me. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens...
The irony of the shooting location, which no one has ever mentioned, is that we were the first production to shoot on the site of what was once the top secret weapons testing site of Lockheed Skunkworks in Burbank, California. But this site, the former Rye Canyon Weapons Testing site, was...
Riding in hooting and hollering and shooting up Hopeless, they are shocked when Rabbit storms out in the street and demands silence. The narrator is surprised to witness Rabbit draw his iron and begins ventilating every single member of the Claus gang! The townspeople are stunned that Rabbit ...
34. (Shooting) the firing of a gun, missile, etc, ahead of a moving target to correct for the time of flight of the projectile [Old English lǣdan; related to līthan to travel, Old High German līdan to go] lead (lɛd) n 1. (Elements & Compounds) a heavy toxic bluish-whi...
line (laɪn) n 1. a narrow continuous mark, as one made by a pencil, pen, or brush across a surface 2. such a mark cut into or raised from a surface 3. a thin indented mark or wrinkle 4. a straight or curved continuous trace having no breadth that is produced by a moving ...
You could even make it so if they got close to a tank they could start shooting bazooka or Panzerschreck rounds at the tanks. I would like to see them add more single-player missions, but for tanks instead of just planes. I’d also like to see them fix the Corsair line, and it ...
line producer Dushyant Kashyap ... pipeline technical director: Double Negative Manickam Kathirvel ... matchmove supervisor: Double Negative Prateek Kaushal ... stereoscopic supervisor Chris Keller ... visual effect supervisor: second unit, Double Negative Dayna Kelly ... layout artist: Method...
Would he not far rather lay him down lengthwise along the line of the equator; yea, ye gods! go down to the fiery pit itself, in order to keep out this frost? Now, that Lazarus should lie stranded there on the curbstone before the door of Dives, this is more wonderful than that an...
17. (Shooting) (tr) to aim at a point in front of (a moving target) in shooting, etc, in order to allow for the time of flight 18. (Boxing) (intr) boxing to make an offensive blow, esp as one's habitual attacking punch: southpaws lead with their right. 19. lead astray to ...