PubMed CAS Google Scholar Routtenberg O (1988) Das Belohnungssystem des Gehirns. In: Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Gehirn und Nervensystem. Verlagsgemeinschaft Weinheim, Heidelberg, S 161–167 Google Scholar Saccone NL, Kwon JM, Corbett J et al. (2000) A genome screen of maximum number of...
Be Patient: The holiday season is busy, so expect some delays in processing and shipping times. ✨ Let’s Deliver Holiday Cheer! Whether you’re sending gifts across the street or across the globe, MyUS has you covered. Submit your ship requests on time, take advantage of early holiday d...
Today, highly specialized courses in English from Malaysian universities, such as Malaysian Taxation, Naval Architecture, and Ship Building, are already available on the OpenLearning platform (The OpenLearning platform is an Australian provider of open online courses and hosts courses primarily from ...
Basic but sports-obsessed boozer, screening Premier League alongside Scottish Premiership and Gaelic football. Basically, turn up, and you'll see some kind of ball being kicked around some kind of pitch.The Richmond, 55 Shepherds Bush Road, W6 7LU Westwood Sports Pub & Kitchen, Wood Lane Di... | 验证码电子邮件是否有效 | 222 | Golang电子邮件地址验证器 | 8 | 接收和发送电子邮件 | 52 | 转到SMTP服务...
Yoko Street reached out to me recently and asked if I’d be interested in sampling their ramen products. They ship fresh and so that sounded interesting. I’ve seen quite a few of these kind of everythig you need setups in past years but it’s been a little while – so of course I...
such natural light sources will in many places be masked by the much stronger illumination from artificial light. Here we show that normal working-light from a ship may disrupt fish and zooplankton behaviour down to at least 200 m depth across an area of >0.125 km2around the ship. Bot...
Note that when the vessel moves faster than waves coming from a direction θ, the apparent frequency f e < 0 and for an observer on the ship waves appear to move away from him/her. In this case, the direction of those waves should be reversed57, i.e. θ = θ + ...
Preventing maritime pirate attacks: a conjunctive analysis of the effectiveness of ship protection measures recommended by the international maritime organ... Maritime piracy is now recognised as a critical security problem that attracts news coverage worldwide. The International Maritime Organisation recommen...
CAS PubMed Google Scholar Forget NL, Juniper KS (2013) Free-living bacterial communities associated with tubeworm (Ridgeia piscesae) aggregations in contrasting diffuse flow hydrothermal vent habitats at the Main Endeavour Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Microbiologyopen 2:259–275 Article CAS PubMed ...