In Stanley Kubrick's 1980 film adaptation of Stephen King's novel, The Shining, Jack Nicholson plays the role of Jack Torrance, a former teacher who takes up a job as a caretaker for the remote Overlook Hotel. Jack's wife, Wendy (Shelley Duvall), and son, Danny (Danny Lloyd), accompan...
What to Watch Fall TV Reviews Swooon The Shining (1980)Movie 1980 R 2 HOURS 22 MINS Horror Thriller A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where a sinister presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from both past and future. ...
4. The Shining (1980) The movie: Even if you haven’t watched Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece, you’ll know of The Shining. You’ll know Jack Nicholson’s (apparently ad-libbed) "Heeeeeeeere’s Johnny" and you might even be aware that if you’re handed the keys to room 237 in a...
1980: Audi Quattro Audi shook up the automotive worldin 1980 when it introduced the Quattro, the model for current four-wheel drive cars. Audi’s innovative four-wheel at technology became a selling point for all Audi models going forward, calling it “Quattro technology.” EngineerJorg Bensinge...
For Stanley Kubrick completists, this fascinating documentary is divided into nine sections, with each one exploring a different aspect ofThe Shining(1980). Hidden theories buried under the surface relate to faked moon landings, Native American genocide and the holocaust are some of the ideas chuck...
The shrine forShining Force: Final Conflict(Game Gear) has been revamped with the “Shrines 2.0” format. It's mobile-friendly, organized better, and overall more pretty. Added in the update are new pages which the previous shrine didn't have: walkthrough, music, wallpapers, and videos. Th...
1) The Shining (1980) Stephen King hates it, of course. Contemporary critics were lukewarm. Initial box-office returns were middling. The Academy Awards flatly ignored it. Stanley Kubrick, unbelievably, was even nominated for a 'Worst Director' award at the inaugural Razzies. (He 'lost' to...
YES, we’re going to talk about Shining Knight, Bat Lash, and the Question. YES, we’re going to talk about the best-but-most-misplaced epilogue to the DCAU. YES, we’re going to talk about what happens when a super genius and a super genius gorilla tangle in the workplace....
Where to watchShining Girls: Apple TV+ Cast:Elisabeth Moss, Wagner Moura,Phillipa Soo, Chris Chalk,Amy Brenneman, Jamie Bell Madeline Brewer on reuniting withHandmaid's Talecostar Elisabeth Moss inShining Girls 24of 31 Shrinking(2023–present) ...
Some acts have long fruitful careers, others have one bright shining moment. The Seattle-based Harvey Danger would fall into the latter category, bursting upon the scene in the spring of ‘98 with “Flagpole Sitta,” an absurd, sing-along anthem written in response to the impact on mainstream...