Toad is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise, a longtime protector of the Mushroom Kingdom, and a loyal and cheerful friend to much of the cast. Toad often plays the role of representing his species, be it as as a main character or a...
Fire Flowers, also known as Flame Flowers, are power-ups introduced in Super Mario Bros. They change the player character into their Fire form, allowing them to throw fireballs, which defeat enemies, melt Ice Blocks, and light up dark areas. The...
be one, sometimes all of thembutone. You’ll see a couple walking down the street holding hands, she’ll be wearing one and he won’t, or vice versa. A dude who’s temporarily lowered his to have a cigarette somehow makes sense, and probably the most difficult thing to wrap one’s ...
That said, we might still end up in Watertown, but I'm told there are parts (between Arsenal and Mount Auburn) that are less suburban, more Cambridge-lite. And if we live in the "suburbs", so what? We'll still be us; I'll still wear my kilt and my centipede scarf around the ...
If we’d have known, we would have packed a picnic and eaten it there, where all you could hear were the waves crashing on the shore below and the gentle wind. There are some benches and grass to have a sit down; it’s a truly peaceful, hidden-away place that’s worth seeking ...
I love to give homemade gifts. Time isn’t always on my side, though. I doubt my niece will be getting that scarf I was going to crochet for her. But I can get several bottles of this vinegar made in no time. All you need are bottles with corks or screw top lids. If using cor...
CHOCOLATES This five-pack of truffle bars is infused with decadent ingredients like espresso and peanut butter. $21; CUTTING BOARD Fashioned out of gorgeously marbled maple, it also makes a handsome platter for cheese or charcuterie. $68; redonion ROTHKO ...
Snake Pit wraps around you like a scarf, gently squeezing you with warmth, but also letting a bit of a chill in, if you know what we mean. Learn More Wild Nectar Hard Juice New Belgium Brewing Company — Fort Collins, CO Photography courtesy of @newbelgium ...
Dizin, established in 1969, is one of the larger Iranian ski resorts in the Alborz mountain range, 120km from Tehran by car. The ski season in Dizin lasts from December to May, because of the resort’s high altitude. Related article:The other Iran | Dizin Ski Resort ...
(commonality), shares, sharing, shark, sharp, sharpener, shatter, shattered, shave, shaver, shawl, shears, shed, sheen, sheep, sheepdog, sheet, sheet (pane), sheet booklet, shelf, shell, shell (food), shellac, shellfish, shelter, shepherd, shepherding, sheriff, shield, shift, shimmer, ...