酷狗音乐为您提供由Super Simple Songs演唱的高清音质无损The Shape Song #2mp3在线听,听The Shape Song #2,只来酷狗音乐!
酷狗音乐为您提供由Fun Kids English演唱的高清音质无损The Shapes Song, No. 2mp3在线听,听The Shapes Song, No. 2AI音乐版、唢呐版、DJ版、钢琴版、伴奏版、清唱版、尤克里里版、骨笛版、变速版、变调版只来酷狗音乐!
欢迎收听由主播寂静如斯为您带来的“The Shape Song 2形状歌2”精彩有声内容,该音频时长3分32秒,已被收听110526次,用户听友205757723评价说“Okay,everybody.大家注意啦。We'regoingtomakesomeshapes.我们要做些形状(的游戏)。Showmeyourhands!伸出你们的手!Let'sstartw
千语- The shape song-2 专辑: 快乐学英语 歌手:千语 Okay Everybody We're going to make some shapes Show me your hands Let's start with a triangle A triangle Can you make a triangle A triangle Can you make a triangle A triangle Can you find a triangle A triangle ...
61.英语启蒙儿歌-The Shape Song 2 倍速播放音效调节下载收听 00:0004:10 打开APP,完整收听歌词: Okay, everybody. We're going to make some shapes Show me your hands Let's start with a triangle! A triangle. Can you make a triangle? A triangle. Can you make a triangle? A triangle. Can ...
#吉吉英文儿歌分享# The Shape Song2 形状歌 这首儿歌有些长,句子有些多,但也有可爱的动画,让孩子了解4种形状:triangle 三角形、rectangle 矩形、oval椭圆形、star星形。 除了基础形状,还会有丰富的组合,...
The Shape Song 2 - Super Simple Learning Okay everybody we're going to make some shapes show me your hands Let's start with a triangle A triangle can you make a triangle A triangle can you make a triangle A triangle can you find a triangle A triangle can you find a ...
《The Shape Song 2》是欧美经典儿歌《SuperSimpleSongs》中的一首。 这首儿歌是NO97——The Shape Song的续章,让孩子继续学习形状,三角形、长方形、椭圆形、星形,孩子们都认得吗?快在家里找一找,并用英文说一说。 这里是公益英语儿歌学习平台, 每周一至周五晚推出。
Shapes 形状资源包 The shape song#1 形状儿歌#1 The shape song 形状儿歌 The shape chant 形状儿歌 特别声明 本微信公众平台分享的资源版权属于原出版机构或影像公司,本资源为电子载体,传播分享仅限于家庭使用与交流心得,不得以任何理由在商业行为中使用。
我们也可以先复习一下第一首哦 Super simple songs 31天|The Shape Song形状儿歌 The Shape Song 2 歌词 Okey everybody.We're going to make some shapes.Show me your hands!Let's startwith a triangle! A triangle.Can you make a triangle?