The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock ConnectLawrence LawShanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Caishui [2014] No.81《關於滬港股票市場交易互聯互通機制試點有關稅收
Insights The Stock Connect VIEW INFOGRAPHIC 我们的观点 中国的新消费阶层崛起 高盛全球投资研究部亚洲消费研究团队联席主管卢家骅,讨论收入增加和中产阶层日益壮大如何带动世界第二大经济体中国的消费增长。观看视频Privacy and Cookies Ad Choices Terms & Conditions Security & Fraud Awareness Regulatory Disclosures...
The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will foster stock trading and capital flows between Hong Kong and mainland China, with numerous potential benefits for both sides. But competitors in the Asia-Pacific region are concerned it might eat into their market share. ...
Since the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect ("the Connect") was launched in late 2014, more and more Mainland investors have invested in Hong Kong listed shares, and vice versa, increasing the transaction volume of the stock market on both sides. However, only a few studies investigated how ...
The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Program is a major development in China's overall financial reform effort, making its capital markets more accessible to global investment communities. The program utilizes the well-established Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) as a means to make Shanghai Stock ...
Since the launch in November of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect programme, various concerns have been expressed in relation to investments made by certain collective schemes, in particular EU-regulated Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities or UCITS. Some investors claim ...
However, it’s possible to set up a brokerage account in nearby Hong Kong remotely. This gives you easier access to both the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges via the Hong Kong Stock Connect. Korea Exchange (KRX) – South Korea’s stock exchange has a market cap above US$2 trillion dollars...
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect launched in November 2014. It established a cross-border channel for access to stock markets and investments. This arrangement allowed regional investors to trade specified companies listed on each other’s stock exchange through their local securities firms. ...
After the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect policy was launched, markets become integrated, while A-H premium rises. This phenomenon is contrary to the existing market segmentation hypotheses. We provide a supplementary explanation for th... YJ Ding,F Yun - 《Applied Economics Letters》 被引量:...
The impact of Shanghai–Hong Kong Stock Connect policy on A-H share price premium This paper empirically investigates the A-H share premium puzzle in the perspective of the effect of Shanghai–Hong Kong Stock Connect policy using a panel data of 55 dual-listed companies from January 4th, ...