Are you kidding me? This is the kind of lunacy that only makes sense if you’ve spent your entire life in a cushy office, sipping lattes and pontificating about “de-escalation” while the rest of us live in the real world. Newsflash, Sacramento: as I would have thought you would have...
And that's where we are. [00:09:06] Jordan Harbinger: I will tell you few things en rage me more than when my watch vibrates because I get a text and it's like, mm-hmm. You know, my best friend is like just checking in on you. But I'm like, I wanna take this thing off...
Movies are still trying to outdo this one (to no avail). Tootsie — Dustin Hoffman pulls off what is, without a doubt, the comedic performance of the decade. Also, Jessica Lang? Bill Murray? Terri Garr? Dabney Coleman? Charles Durning? Sydney Pollack? Are you kidding me??? Brazil ...
“I mean, remember, this went so far as the government saying, ‘You need to find evidence that there are Russians influencing the election on Twitter.’ And Twitter saying, ‘No, that’s not happening.’“And then [Twitter had] to be quiet about it and not even defend themselves when ...
With her high heels in hand, the independent artist born Nicole White bounded up to the stage barefoot to give a sweetly relatable acceptance speech. "Are you f—ing kidding me?" she declared in tears before hilariously adding, "These are the shoes I was gonna wear but I wanted to run,...
Pizza Guy: So you guys want me to take this back? Monica: Are you nuts?! We've got George Stephanopoulos' pizza! (Rachel pays him, Monica grabs some binoculars, and runs to the window.) Rachel: Uh, Pheebs? Who's George Snuffalopagus? Phoebe: Big Bird's friend. Monica: I see piz...
I knew, even as I posted my note to him on Facebook (polite, to-the-point and with a small degree of good humor), that it wasn’t likely to serve me in any productive way. Yeah, I knew it. But being told “Fuck you” by my son’s father as I tried to defend the ...
Are you kidding? Hollywood legend insists that this unreleased 1972 Holocaust death-camp "comedy" starring Jerry Lewis will never see the light of day. Rumor has it the sole completed film print resides in a safe, and Lewis is the man who holds the key. Days of Glory (1944) Gregory ...
-Dude, are you kidding me?-Boom! Nailed it. Okay,okay, okay, we get it, youve been working out. Oh, youre just jealous because Jere has a better body than you. Uh, no, actually, its all about the lean look now. Otherwise, you cant wear tailored suits. -[laughter]-[Jeremiah] ...
Are you kidding me? 夏蜜卡 Shameika 什么事 What? 什么事, 老师? What, sir? 噢! 夏蜜卡, 谢谢你 Oh, Shameika, thank you 为了什么? For what? 提醒了我规则四... Reminding me about rule number 4... 不准发出啧啧声和翻白眼 no smacking of lips and rolling of the eyes 如果你违反了其中...