Of the 143874 characters on Anime Characters Database, 8 are from the 动画 The Seven Heavenly Virtues.
“The Seven Heavenly Virtues!” continues “Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai”. A group of angels has been sent from heaven to search for the potential “saviour” who is to limit the power of hell. The aim is to stop the great influence of the demon Lucifer and prevent both them and the other...
1.Theolone of a class of spiritual beings attendant upon God. In medieval angelology they are divided by rank into nine orders: seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations (or dominions), virtues, powers, principalities (or princedoms), archangels, and angels ...
5.virtuesChristianityThe fifth of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology. 6.ObsoleteManly courage; valor. Idiom: by/invirtue of On the grounds or basis of; by reason of:well-off by virtue of a large inheritance. [Middle Englishvertu, from Old French, from Latinvirtūs,manliness,...
力天使(virtues) 能天使(Powers) 下級三隊 (ANGELS OF THE WORLD - Govern All The World) 權天使(Principlities) 大天使(Archangels) 天使(Angels) 戴奧尼索斯將天使分成三隊用意可用一個圓表示天,神為圓中心,據『神曲』天堂篇記載,天使軍團的大本營是在天堂十環天中的第九天-水晶天(或云原動天),而希...
The hierarchy has seven angelic choirs of different nature which rise gradually from man to God. First the chorus of angels, then that of the archangels, principalities, powers, virtues and dominations. The seventh and last chorus is Trinitarian, consisting of the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones....
Likewise seven angels of the hosts for the seven heavens of the seven planets, to rule the world, etc. Also, four angels who represent the Triplicitatibus of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and the four elements. All of these have their names and signs which the philosophers used in ...
Angels RevengeI've actually got the MST3K episode featuring this movie on tape. The film, an obvious "Charlie's Angels" rip-off, is about a group of women who bust up a drug ring. The extremely poor acting of the women and the literally cartoonish sound effects make this a must to ...
English (wikipedia angel) Alternative forms * aynjel (Jamaican English) Noun (en noun) A divine and supernatural messenger from a deity, or other divine entity. * Ben Jonson The dear goodangelof the Spring, / The nightingale. (Abrahamic tradition) The lowest order of angels, below virtues....
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath - Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath