even people who are different than me. I work well in groups.I seek out other people's ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone.I am humble.
Bringing the international, best selling 7 Habits franchise to the youngest audience, this picture book is the perfect introduction. With a cast of lovable characters such as Lily Skunk and Sam Squirrel, children will be introduced to the 7 habits through seven fun and accessible stories (one fo...
内容简介:From the family that brought us the books that sold millions, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, we present a new, colorful, and fun audiobook for children. For the Seven Oaks friends, there is always something to do. Whether the...
青城妈妈创作的儿童有声书作品快乐儿童的7个习惯【The 7 Habits of Happy Kids】英,目前已更新10个声音,收听最新音频章节10-A Note from Stephen R Covey【史蒂芬·柯维寄语】。自从《高效能人士的七个习惯》中首次提出,7个习惯已被全球数亿人奉为做人处事的“...
当当华研外语旗舰店在线销售正版《华研原版 高效能儿童的七个习惯 英文原版 The 7 Habits of Happy Kids 快乐孩子的7个习惯 全英文版 精装进口英语书籍》。最新《华研原版 高效能儿童的七个习惯 英文原版 The 7 Habits of Happy Kids 快乐孩子的7个习惯 全英文版 精装进口英
曾被美国《时代》周刊称为“25位最有影响力的美国人之一”的柯维先生,也就是我们熟悉的《高效能人士的7个习惯》的作者,曾经还专门针对孩子写过另外两本著作:《The 7 Habits of Happy Kids》和《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens》。美国学校把它们归纳为孩子成长的“7棵习惯树”。
曾被美国《时代》周刊称为“25位最有影响力的美国人之一”的柯维先生,也就是我们熟悉的《高效能人士的7个习惯》的作者,曾经还专门针对孩子写过另外两本著作:《The 7 Habits of Happy Kids》和《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens》。美国学校把它们归纳为孩子成长的“7棵习惯树”。 “成功没有捷径,但...
这是《 the 7 habits of highly effective people》的儿童版。前几天亚马逊买来给我家弟弟读的。 看看这七个习惯: Habit 1: Habit 1: Be Proactive You’re in Charge I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods. I do not blame others for my actions...
teens. His international best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is based on the principles of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, which was written by his father, Stephen Covey. His follow-up book, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids, became a New York Times Best ...
The 7 Habits of Happy Kids (机器翻译:快乐儿童的七个习惯) 作者:Sean Covey 出版社:Simon & Schuster ISBN(13位):9781847384317 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:95 市场价:¥ 99.9 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 平装 九成新¥ 30.50¥ 26.840有货通知...