Discussiones Mathematicae Graph TheoryG. Chartrand, F. Okamoto, C. W. Rasmussen, and P. Zhang, The set chromatic number of a graph, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory, 29 (2009), pp. 545-561.CHARTRAND G,OKAMOTO F,RASMUSSEN C W,et al. The set chromatic number of a graph[J]. Discuss ...
Consider the random graphG(n,p)where every two vertices in the graph are connected randomly and independently with probabilityp. DenoteG∼G(n,p)ifGis generated in this way. The chromatic numberχ(G)of a graphGmeans how many colors are needed to vertex-color it. ...
We investigate the size of such trees, and prove that a certain class of branch-and-bound algorithms for determining the chromatic number of a graph requires in probability a number of steps which grows faster than exponentially with the number of vertices of the graph. (Author)关键词:...
We consider the subchromatic number χS(G) of graph G, which is the minimum order of all partitions of V(G) with the property that each class in the partition induces a disjoint union of cliques. Here we establish several bounds on subchromatic number. For example, we consider the maximu...
the case that the edge probability p is a fixed constant. For sparse random graphs much more is known. For example, Achlioptas and Naor [1] proved that for every d>0, the chromatic number of the random graph Gn,d/n is with high probability either k or k+1, where k is the ...
Transcribed image text: 32. What is the chromatic number of the given graph? * a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 Not the question you’re looking for? Post any question and get expert help quickly. Start learning Chegg Products & Services Chegg Study Help Citation Generator Digi...
1) the total harmonious chromatic number of a graph 图的全谐调着色数2) Graphic total-coloring 图的全着色3) graphs/total coloring 图/全着色4) fractional colouring of hypergraph 超图的分数着色5) Colouring numbers of the plane graph 平面图的着色数6) The Total Coloring of Graph and ...
Raymundo Marcial-Romero,José A. Henrández,Guillermo De Ita 摘要: In this paper, we present an algorithm to approximate the chromatic number of a graph. Our proposal is based on the construction of maximal independent set. We experimentally show that our proposal improves the average degree ...
Bounds for the bb-chromatic number of G−vG−v 喜欢 0 阅读量: 33 作者: R Balakrishnan,SF Raj 摘要: The bb-chromatic number of a graph GG is defined as the maximum number kk of colors in a proper coloring to the vertices of GG in such a way that each color class contains ...
The Interleaved Multichromatic Number of a Graph. Annals of Combinatorics 6, 249–256 (2002). https://doi.org/10.1007/s000260200001 Download citation Issue DateDecember 2002 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s000260200001 Mathematics Subject Classification2000: 05C15¶Key words and phrases: chromatic ...