I get an error The server principal 'username' already exists (Microsoft SQL Server, error: 15025) I delete user from database and try to create user having same error Hello Muhammad, That's the "database principal" which you deleted, but the "server principal" (= server login) still ex...
But if you have already deleted the users in the DB, then you have to create the user for the login. Thanks Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:39 AM Now I am trying to create login I get an error The server principal 'usernam...
that login is added in SQL server. Find the SID for your dba account using the above method and use it in where condition of sys.server_principals catalog to see if that SID is attached to another domain account. Normally this happens when a AD login is added to SQL server and had it...
Thanks! Answer : Adding a SQL user generates a "The Server Principal xxxx Already Exists (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15025) If it's a SQL user, you can try: EXEC sp_droplogin 'loginName' or for a domain account: EXEC sp_revokelogin 'loginName' ...
5. Ran as sa: select * from sys.server_principals where name = 'MyDomain\DomainUserA' *Result: No records found. 6. Ran as sa: SELECT SUSER_SID('MyDomain\DomainUserA') *Result: 0x010500000000000515000000358A021A0D7A5A3307E53B2B8A280000 ...
The server principal 'test-login' already exists. When I run the following line, i do get one record with the deleted login: select * from sys.server_principals where name = 'test-login' Question: is it okay to delete the record in the sys.serverprinciples table? Or what else must I...
Optional Azure tenant ID in which the service principal exists. Azure extension for SQL Server /AZURESERVICEPRINCIPALApplies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and later versionsOptional Service principal to authenticate against given tenant ID, subscription and resource group. Azure extension for SQL Server...
userPrincipalName 7628376@contoso.com Note Ldp.exe is included in Windows Server 2008 and in the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools. The Windows Server 2003 Support Tools are included in the Windows Server 2003 installation media. Or, to obtain the Support Tools, go to the following...
This can be the name of a specific server, machine, or domain. It's important to note that if this parameter is null, AccountManagement will attempt to determine a default machine or domain for the connection based on your current security context. However, if you wan...