In that letter Brann also attaches the [Tabard of the Explorer]. UlduarBrann appeared in the Secrets of Ulduar trailer. Brann led an army of troops and tanks into Ulduar in an effort to discover its secrets, but was driven out by Kologarn as the only survivor of his expedition. Making...
Learning from Ra of the demise of the Pantheon, Lei Shen declared that he would carry on the work of the titans and led an army of his mogu warriors and Zandalari allies into Uldum, seeking to claim the Forge of Origination — believing it to hold the secrets of eternal life. The tol...
The team has been focused on The League of E.V.I.L. for a while, and with Saviors of Uldum they wanted to start thinking about the good guys again. They will be bringing back the quest mechanic, with nine total that link the heroes in a narrative arc and that will help you to ...
Between 15,000 and 12,000 years ago,[15] Zulathra, a high priest of the Zandalari, proposed to the mogu Emperor Lei Shen an exchange of each other's secrets; the mogu's arcane power for the trolls' knowledge of the lands beyond the vale. Together, the two empires would be ...
So I figured I might take a stab at one of the eternal questions for anybody producing anything for public consumption; who are they, where do they come from, and why are they here? Inlast week’s attempt at a Blaugust postabout what might euphemistically call my writing process, Tipa su...
Shade of the Headless HorsemanAt the low-level quest hubs outside most capital cities, the Shade of the Horseman attacks with some frequency. The daily quests award several [Tricky Treat]. Level 45-and-above players will need to speak to Zidormi outside the Ruins of Lordaeron to change to...
Option to add Krowi's Achievement Filter to the world map icon tooltip Arcane Influence to the Secrets of Azeroth eventChangedLeft clicking the minimap icon will now open the tab the micro button would FixedRebinding the Micro Button now also works for the default Blizzard tabs Earned By ...
C'Thun was bound within the great fortress of Ahn'Qiraj, located closely to the titan-forged stronghold of Uldum,[15] and N'Zoth was imprisoned in a similar way, though it is not known exactly where[4] (possibly deep below Azeroth's oceans).[30] Yogg-Saron was the last Old God to...
Six new high-level zones: Mount Hyjal and Uldum in Kalimdor; Vashj'ir and the Twilight Highlands in the Eastern Kingdoms; Deepholm in the elemental plane of earth; and the PvP zone and daily quest hub Tol Barad. Vashj'ir is treated as a sub-continent comprised of three smaller zones. ...
The Lunar Festival is a time of celebration. The people of Azeroth celebrate their triumph of many thousands of years ago, when an alliance of good races (the night elves, tauren, furbolgs, and earthen) defeated a terrible evil called the Burning Legion.