Burn JH.The secretion of sweat and vaso-dilatation produced by pilocarpine.Journal of Physiology The. 1925Burn, J. H. ( 1925 ). J. Physiol. , 60 , 365 .BURN, J. H. (1925). The secretion of sweat and vasodilatation produced by pilocarpine. J. Phy8iol. 60, 365-378....
sweat (swɛt) n 1.(Physiology) the secretion from the sweat glands, esp when profuse and visible, as during strenuous activity, from excessive heat, etc; commonly also called perspiration. 2.(Physiology) the act or process of secreting this fluid ...
sweat (swɛt) n 1.(Physiology) the secretion from the sweat glands, esp when profuse and visible, as during strenuous activity, from excessive heat, etc; commonly also called perspiration. 2.(Physiology) the act or process of secreting this fluid ...
Since the presentation, in the first edition of Jadassohn’s “Handbuch der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten”, of the histology and histochemistry of the normal epidermis (Pinkus, 1927) and of different aspects of the melanin pigment (Bloch, 1927), research activities in these two fields have...
(4) It was supposed that some cases of chronic pancreatitis have a congenital disposition toward abnormal secretion of sweat glands and epithelium in the pancreatic duct, resembling cystic fibrosis, and this disposition leads easily to pancreatic disorders when the individual is exposed to various ...
Watch complete video answer for “Which one of the following is an example of negative feed bac” of Biology Class 12th. Get FREE solutions to all questions from chapter NEURAL CONTROL AND COORDINATION.
However, as the longevity of the human population increases, associated health problems and diseases present a great challenge in the modern society [1]. Biologically, human diseases are accompanied by the secretion of antibodies, hormones, or proteins in body fluids, such as blood, which may ...
The secretion of milk is a complex process iontophoresis of sweat (sweat sodium concentrations >70 involving the interaction of endocrine, metabolic and nutritional mmoles liter-'). Serial milk samples were obtained from mechanisms, and its constituents vary according to a wide range one of these ...
On a completely saltless diet, like that of some people in Africa, the body steadily loses small amounts of salt through the kidneys (肾) and sweat glands (腺). It then tries to adjust to this loss by speeding up its secretion (分泌) of water. (78) In this way, the body attempts...
1.(Physiology) the secretion from the sweat glands, esp when profuse and visible, as during strenuous activity, from excessive heat, etc; commonly also called perspiration. 2.(Physiology) the act or process of secreting this fluid 3.the act of inducing the exudation of moisture ...