百度文库演讲稿 以下是一篇关于“The Secret to Self-Control(自控力的秘密)”的演讲稿,供您参考: 尊敬的各位听众: 大家好! 今天,我想和大家分享一个我们生活中常常面对,但又常常难以捉摸的话题——自控力。自控力,这个看似简单却充满力量的词汇,实际上是我们走向成功、保持健康、实现目标的重要基石。 在我们日常...
Wilson, Timothy DDunn, Elizabeth WShoda, YuichiMischel, WalterPeake, Philip KWagenaar, WAZhao, XinshuLynch Jr., John GChen, QimeiVitell, Scott John
The secret to lasting self-discipline is to surrender control of your direction.持续自律的秘诀就是要放弃对自己方向的控制。In other words, you need to reduce the number of impulsive decisions and snap judgments standing between you and your goals.换句话说,你需要减少阻碍你实现目标的冲动决定和仓促...
Today, we are going to learn about the secret to building self-discipline. 今天,我们来了解建立自律的诀窍。 Now, let's begin. 现在,我们开始吧。 1. Surrender Control When pursuing your goal, you may struggle to make consistent progress toward your ultimate ambitio...
Passage 54Self-control may be the secret to success, according to a persuasive new study that followed 1,000 children from birth to age 32. Children who showed carly signs of self-control were not only less likely to have developed addictions or committed a crime by adulthood, but were also...
“The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you don’t, life controls you.”– Anthony Robbins “Self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery. You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the...
i will learn this secret of the ages: weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. each day, when i awaken, i will follow this plan of battle befo...
– the secret of self-control Julianne Dalcanton – The cult of genius Nassim Taleb – The fourth quadrant: a map of the limits of statistics Paul Graham – What You'll Wish You'd Known Po Bronson – How not to talk to your kids Scott Aaronson – Ten signs a claimed mathematical ...
He missed the castle, with its secret passageways and ghosts, his lessons (though perhaps not Snape, the Potions master), the post arriving by owl, eating banquets in the Great Hall, sleeping in his four-poster bed in the tower dormitory, visiting the gamekeeper, Hagrid, in his cabin in...
The secret of happiness is this. Let your interests be as wide as possible and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile Bertrand Russel 早上听到这个视频,感觉过去两年的疲惫和抑郁被一语道破。不想再仔细剖析在这场情绪浩劫里...