The Secret Life of Pets 2016 367 votes Max (Louis C.K.) is a spoiled terrier who enjoys a comfortable life in a New York building until his owner adopts Duke, a giant and unruly canine. During their walk outside, they encounter a group of ferocious alley cats and wind up in a truck...
Snowball The Secret Life of Pets 787 votes Originally appearing in the 2011 animated film The Secret Life of Pets, Snowball is a hilariously unpredictable and rebellious rabbit who keeps viewers on their toes. Leading the Flushed Pets, a group of animals abandoned by their owners,...
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What they’re doing well: Building brand affinity. Boomf makes it clear that it’s not about the card or gift—but rather “to send a memory, an experience, and a keepsake all in one that long outlasts the initial celebration.” Plus, “Trending” and “What’s Hot?” categories on...
Where FMs get Business & Industry news, releases, education and can find out how other facility professionals addressed similar challenges in their buildings.
You’ll need a wealth of information to make the right choice—and, more importantly, guidance to help you interpret it all. That’s why we created the 2025 Annual Global Retirement Index: your essential roadmap for finding the retirement destination that best suits your lifestyle, priorities,...
Pets in New York City are like no other pets in the world. Just like their people, city pets of all types have to grapple with cramped apartments (if they’re lucky enough to find a pet-friendly building) local politics, busy streets and dog-run drama on
“I simply cannot overstate the power of this piece,” the editor wrote. “When you read it, imagine you live where I live. Your life would change because of this story, just like mine did. That’s the power of great writing.” ...
Dig Deeper The Dark Secret Of 'It's A Wonderful Life' You've Been Missing This Whole Time Also ranks #1 on 11 Oscar-Winning Movies That Flopped At The Box Office Also ranks #2 on The 90 Best Black And White Movies Of All Time 14 Raging Bull Robert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty, Joe Pes...
As a stocky, squash-faced, and lovable lump of a dog, the Bulldog’s goofiness and affinity for kids have made it an irresistible family pet. Thankfully, their loyalty, trainability, and courage are all that’s left from their bull-baiting days. Although they’re more prone to health ...