"Migration" is an animated family-comedy from Illumination, the studio behind "Minions" and "The Secret Life of Pets". The story follows the Mallard family, led by the anxious father Mack (Kumail Nanjiani), and the adventurous mother Pam (Elizabeth Banks). Stuck in a routine life on a Ne...
Luigi is Mario's younger but taller twin brother, the secondary protagonist of the Super Mario franchise, and the main protagonist of the Luigi's Mansion series. Throughout his life, he has lived in Mario's shadow, developing both cowardly and heroic tendencies. Despite this, Luigi has ...
Trend: A Little Bit of This - October 4, 2024 Trend Recap: If you need an excuse to treat yourself, this audio is it. Pair this sound with short clips of whatever (or wherever) your happy place is. Audio: oh i wasn’t sad i just needed… - eats.travels Current # of Posts: ...
John is a technology journalist specializing in smart home devices, security cameras, and home security systems. He has over a decade of experience researching, testing, and reviewing the latest tech—he was the Smart Home Editor for Top Ten Reviews and wrote for ASecureLife before joining Safe...
Her "course clear" and "lose a life" jingles come from Super Mario Land, the latter sound also having a voice clip over it. The jumping and defeated sound effects are also replaced with voice clips; the former has her occasionally saying, "Woohoo!", and the latter has her screaming, "...
All my friends were there: Bongy Wingo my stalwart ice fishing friend, Marbella Bella who loved me, Gamble Marlow my financial adviser, Wheels Driver my Uber man, Doughball Jackson the fat guy who makes me feel good about my own obesity, Scrub Clipsy my manicurist, Nuts Muffler my mechani...
After telling her mother the truth, she starts making videos to have her see the Demon Realm as she does, however, most of the clips she films fail to prove her point. As she sits in front of school waiting to be picked up as her friends come by and theorize what is behind Belos'...
All my friends were there: Bongy Wingo my stalwart ice fishing friend, Marbella Bella who loved me, Gamble Marlow my financial adviser, Wheels Driver my Uber man, Doughball Jackson the fat guy who makes me feel good about my own obesity, Scrub Clipsy my manicurist, Nuts Muffler my mechani...
My flying scooter makes quick work of challenges like that! My level is That's Life, where everyday events become fun games! Give it your best!" (Second description) Clear Intro Games (10 points) Story: Mona leaves her house on her scooter while her pets stay home and she tells ...
Pie (Wendy) celebrated her sixteenth birthday in "Reptiles in the Rose Garden", the specific ages of the others was never confirmed. According tothe Writer's Bible included on the Shout! Factory DVDset and brief concept clips of the cartoon, the other Koopalings were all teenagers; Bully...