Over the next twenty-five years, Churchill was involved in battles in India and Africa. He was a war correspondent and an officer for Britain. Churchill was a writer, historian, and artist and even won a Nobel Prize mainly for his work entitled The Second World War. Winston Churchill was ...
全书按事件发生时间分为六册: 第一卷《风云紧急》The Gathering Storm(1919年-1940年5月) 第二卷《最光辉的时刻》The Finest Hour(1940年5月-1940年底) 第三卷《伟大的同盟》The Grand Alliance(1941年) 第四卷《命运的关键》The Hinge of Fate(1942年-1943年5月) 第五卷《紧缩包围圈》Closing the Ring...
eyes of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, The Second World War is also the story of one nation’s singular, heroic role in the fight against tyranny. Pride and patriotism are evident everywhere in Churchill ’s dramatic account
《The Second World War-Winston Churchill》由星夜长空创作,目前已更新16个节目,包含01a Milestones to disaster、01b Milestones to disaster、01c Milestones to disaster、01d Milestones to disaster、02a Alone等内容。用声音分享人类智慧,用声音服务美好生活,更
During the Second World War, Winston Churchill was the British Prime Minister. One day he had to go to the British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC) to make an important speech to the nation. An hour before the time of this speech, he stopped a taxi in the street and asked the driver...
The Second World War 丘吉尔二战回忆录(全6册 英文原版)高清电子书 作者:【英】温斯顿·丘吉尔 出版发行: RosettaBooks,LLC 2002 格式:PDF 容量:28.4MB 《第二次世界大战回忆录》(The Second World War)…
根据第一段的第一句During the Second World War, Winston Churchill was the British Prime Minister.可知,丘吉尔是英国首相。故选C。【小题2】细节理解题。根据第二段中的句子An hour before the time of this speech, he stopped a taxi in the street and asked the driver to take him to the BBC。
This is the powerful story of the apocalypse and of the people who fought the Second World War. => 这是启示录和第二次世界大战的人民的强大故事。 Berlin in the early 1930s. => 柏林在20世纪30年代初。 A lively, vibrant city. => 一个活跃,充满活力的城市。
Churchill, Winston: The Second World War Zusammenfassung Schon während seiner Amtszeit als Premierminister entwickelte Churchill den Plan einer Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkriegs und ließ regelmäßig Material dafür zusammenstellen, so dass das 1954 veröffentlichte Werk aufgrund der Wiedergabe...
听原著学英语创作的有声书作品Winston Churchill - The Second World War,目前已更新48个声音,收听最新音频章节04b Triumph and Tragedy Section 7。