小说有时将沃尔夫·拉森的坏情绪称为“暴风”(大风时期),暴风雨天气条件伴随着大风,伴随着故事中许多最黑暗的心理时刻。 【参考资料】Jack London(杰克·伦敦)《The Sea-Wolf》《海狼》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ———
It expresses the garrulity of the sea and is a pleasant break in the monotony of the life. The Ghost swung around into the wind, and I finished my work forward in time to run aft and lend a hand with the main sheet. "You will please stay on deck, Miss Brewster," Wolf La...
Published in 1904, and drawing on London's own experience on board a sealing ship, The Sea-Wolf describes the struggle between the civilized and the pagan, between the values of the ruthless sea-captain, Wolf Larsen, and the moral, literary Humphrey Van Weyden. One of his most popular nove...
《The Sea-Wolf(海狼)》是一本深受广大读者喜爱的经典小说。《The Sea-Wolf(海狼)》全本小说文笔俱佳、情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,深深地打动着每一位读者。《The Sea-Wolf(海狼)》全本小说讲述的是《海狼》一书主要描写了主角亨佛莱·范·魏登在旧金山因海难落水遇救,被一艘猎海豹的船强迫带到日本附近海域,九死...
The Sea-Wolf(海狼) Jack London 著 《海狼》一书主要描写了主角亨佛莱·范·魏登在旧金山因海难落水遇救,被一艘猎海豹的船强迫带到日本附近海域,九死一生逃出险境的经历。小说写了许多在太平洋上的航行和捕猎海豹的细节:浓雾、风暴、季候风、对海豹的拉网式的捕猎和棒打、雾墙内外的捉迷藏、海员的种种生活经历...
[英文原著]the sea-wolf《海狼》 下载积分: 700 内容提示: CHAPTER 1I scarcely know where to begin, though I sometimes facetiously place the cause of itall to Charley Furuseth's credit. He kept a summer cottage in Mill Valley, under theshadow of Mount Tamalpais, and never occupied it except...
1. 海狼 英文励志小说_英文小说网 ... Rich Dad Poor Dad 穷爸爸富爸爸The Sea-Wolf海狼Story of My Life 我的生活:海伦凯勒自传 ... novel.tingroom.com|基于390个网页 2. 海浪 美国文学 - quancy的日志 - 网易博客 ... The Call of the Wild 野性的呼唤The Sea-Wolf海浪White Fang 白獠牙 ... ...
The Sea-Wolf(海狼),《海狼》一书主要描写了主角亨佛莱·范·魏登在旧金山因海难落水遇救,被一艘猎海豹的船强迫带到日本附近海域,九死一生逃出险境的经历。 小说写了许多在太平洋上的航行和捕猎海豹的细节:浓雾、风暴、季候风、对海豹的拉网式的捕猎和棒打、雾墙内外
《The Sea-Wolf(海狼)》是一本深受广大网友喜爱的经典小说。《The Sea-Wolf(海狼)小说》文笔俱佳、情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,深深地打动着每一位网友。《The Sea-Wolf(海狼)大结局版》讲述的是《海狼》一书主要描写了主角亨佛莱·范·魏登在旧金山因海难落水遇救,被一艘猎海豹的船强迫带到日本附近海域,九死一生...