Jack London(杰克·伦敦)简介 杰克·伦敦出生在旧金山湾区,与他的母亲和继父住在一起。他来自工人阶级背景,大多是自学成才,早期对维多利亚时代的小说产生了兴趣。伦敦从事各种航海工作,包括“牡蛎海盗”(偷猎牡蛎)和一艘名为苏菲·萨瑟兰的猎海豹纵帆船。1897年,他前往阿拉斯加的育空地区参加克朗代克淘金热。虽然他并不富...
It expresses the garrulity of the sea and is a pleasant break in the monotony of the life. The Ghost swung around into the wind, and I finished my work forward in time to run aft and lend a hand with the main sheet. "You will please stay on deck, Miss Brewster," Wolf La...
The Sea-Wolf(海狼),《海狼》一书主要描写了主角亨佛莱·范·魏登在旧金山因海难落水遇救,被一艘猎海豹的船强迫带到日本附近海域,九死一生逃出险境的经历。 小说写了许多在太平洋上的航行和捕猎海豹的细节:浓雾、风暴、季候风、对海豹的拉网式的捕猎和棒打、雾墙内外
The Sea-Wolf(海狼) Jack London 著 《海狼》一书主要描写了主角亨佛莱·范·魏登在旧金山因海难落水遇救,被一艘猎海豹的船强迫带到日本附近海域,九死一生逃出险境的经历。小说写了许多在太平洋上的航行和捕猎海豹的细节:浓雾、风暴、季候风、对海豹的拉网式的捕猎和棒打、雾墙内外的捉迷藏、海员的种种生活经历...
专辑名:The Sea-Wolf 歌手:Jack London 发行时间:2023-12-29 简介:The Sea-Wolf is a 1904 psychological adventure novel by American writer Jack London. The book's protagonist, Humphrey van Weyden, is a literary critic who is a survivor of an ocean collision and who comes under the dominance...
《海狼》是杰克·伦敦在1903年创作的一部长篇小说,讲述了文学评论家Hamphrey Van Weyden在旧金山湾的一次渡船失事后,被海狼Larsen船长救起并被迫在“魔鬼号”上工作的经历。Larsen是一个极其强壮且头脑灵活的人,他统治着这艘名为“魔鬼号”的船,而Hamphrey则被迫成为船上的茶房。Hamphrey目睹了...
Published in 1904, and drawing on London's own experience on board a sealing ship, The Sea-Wolf describes the struggle between the civilized and the pagan, between the values of the ruthless sea-captain, Wolf Larsen, and the moral, literary Humphrey Van Weyden. One of his most popular nove...
《The Sea-Wolf(海狼)》是一本深受广大读者喜爱的经典小说。《The Sea-Wolf(海狼)》全本小说文笔俱佳、情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,深深地打动着每一位读者。《The Sea-Wolf(海狼)》全本小说讲述的是《海狼》一书主要描写了主角亨佛莱·范·魏登在旧金山因海难落水遇救,被一艘猎海豹的船强迫带到日本附近海域,九死...
He also wrote of the South Pacific in such stories as "The Pearls of Parlay" and "The Heathen", and of the San Francisco Bay area in The Sea Wolf. London was part of the radical literary group "The Crowd" in San Francisco and a passionate advocate of unionization, socialism, and the...
[南海故事].(South.Sea.Tales).(美)杰克.伦敦.文字版 热度: 杰克伦敦作品集:野性的呼唤热爱生命白牙海狼 热度: TheSeaWolf London,Jack Published:1904 Categories(s):Fiction,Action&Adventure Source:http://gutenberg 1 AboutLondon: JackLondon(January12,1876–November22,1916),wasanAmerican ...